Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Celebrating Too Soon

Indigo had some blood taken for analysis yesterday, while she was at the veterinary hospital. A rescue-group likes to know as much as possible about a cat, especially an older one, if asked by a prospective adopter. The results came back today. Indigo had a blood-sugar level of 22. The normal range should be from 4 to 8. There is a chance that the high number was caused by the stress of the veterinary visit; Indigo was shedding badly at the time. It is also possible that she has diabetes.

She will be taken in again, assuming that I can put her in the carrier a second time so soon after the first, on Monday. More blood will be taken and her fructosamine will be measured. This will give a reading of Indigo’s blood-sugar levels over a period of a week to a fortnight, thus showing what her numbers are under normal conditions.

If she is diabetic, this will cause some troublous times for both her and me, as I will have to give her numerous injections of insulin at different doses to find the right one. That in turn will require ear-pokings to collect blood. I have no idea how she will react to these, especially as she doesn’t really know me well. This of course will have an effect on her adoptability, fewer people wanting a cat with diabetes, even if it is managed.

We will know more come Monday.


  1. That poor sweetie. Less just hope for now that it was a stress related issue.

  2. I'll be anxious to hear the results of Indigo's blood work. Hopefully everything will be OK. Please keep us posted.

  3. Lita used to get really stressed at the vet, and her sugar would spike there, but her fructosamine was always fine. I hope this will be the case for Indigo, too. <3

  4. I am sorry to hear that and hope it was just stress raising her blood sugar level.

  5. Hoping for better news than diabetes are sweet Indigo.

  6. I hope it was just the stress. If it turns out that she IS Diabetic, would she be a candidate for the Freestyle Libre monitor? Anyway, I will cross my fingers that this is a non-issue.

  7. Oh what a worrisome thing. I am hoping so hard that it was stress related.

  8. Poor Indigo. I really hope it was just stress causing the high number. Our sweet Howard had diabetes and even though he was the sweetest cat in the world, it wasn't easy to manage it.

  9. She seems so healthy, it seems logical that the results were due to her stress level. Here's hoping!

  10. Damn that sucks, poor Indigo it would suck having to poked with a needle numerous times a day
