Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunny Suede

I still give Neville his insulin injections, even though they don’t lower his blood-glucose numbers significantly. It may be doing other things for him that aren’t easy to measure. He is, by visual and clinical signs, doing well. The other day, he put on a burst of speed through the apartment, and a couple of days before, even spent a minute teasing Imogen.

This evening, though, Suede – that’s a new nickname based on what a reader came up with because of Nev’s smooth hairless look – was sleeping when it came time to give him his shot. I thought he would wake at the little pinch, but he didn’t. His eyes didn’t flutter, his body didn’t twitch. That’s relaxation.


  1. He does look relaxed and warm.

  2. It is good he is so used to the injections that he can sleep right through them.

  3. He's lovely...Love him to bits... :)x

  4. Obviously in a very deep sleep. Hopefully the tiny pinch didn't give him a short nightmare. You know the kind or you're falling out of bed and you can't stop yourself from falling falling falling.

  5. Sweet Neville, you are much loved. And by me as well.

  6. Neville looks so peaceful and content.

  7. I hadn't thought of that, but he really does look like he's wearing a bespoke suede coat. I'm glad to hear he's doing so well.

  8. Apparently, you're a heck of a nurse John. Nev is a sweet boy, and oh so handsome in his summer cut.
