None of my cats is a friend to any of the others. Tungsten and Renn came close to friendship, the tiny terror and my big boy. But the four currently in my family are not pals. They try to ignore each other as much as possible, and, when that is impossible, avoid each other.
But now and then, they have a little fun, usually at each other’s expense. It’s true that Josie and Tucker will sometimes chase each other for mutual enjoyment but that’s rare. More often, one animal is victimizing, in a mild way, another.
Josie will chase Cammie, though not with a great deal of commitment. My Chubs will sometimes come as close as she will be allowed, then suddenly turn and scratch on a cat-tree, as if that had been her intention all along. Renn will lope toward another beast, then stop suddenly, leaving the other cat with a fear of a collision. Once, I saw my big boy rush at Cammie, who crouched low, ears back and hissing, only to have her ‘attacker’ leap over her on to the couch. Even Tucker will try to intimidate the princess, though he isn’t very successful at it.

But, lest you believe that Cammie is a perpetual victim, let me assure you that she is not. Just this past weekend, she took up a position behind the nylon tunnel, with Tucker lying peaceably on the other side. Cammie repeatedly lunged around the tunnel at the roly poly, trying, from what I observed, to give him a heart attack. At last satisfied with her efforts, she turned and sauntered away, almost sniggering. But the tables turned, as Tucker hurried after the princess and smacked her on the side of the bum. Cammie’s rear end shot up into the air about eight inches (while her front stayed earthbound) and when it came down again, she spun and hissed, hissed, hissed.
I laughed. I told her that she couldn’t complain after her behaviour. She disagreed.
So, while life in my apartment is not filled with feline camaraderie, it is pretty good; four roommates, none of whom really likes the others, but who tolerate the situation, and even make some fun out of it. At least they don’t hog the shower and leave me without hot water.