Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Our New Water-bowl: the Sequel

After leaving the new, heated water-dish outside for a couple of days and nights, I came home yesterday after work to see tracks in the snow. I think they were headed toward the bowl, though I didn’t see any leading away.

It looks as if the creature - I will assume it was a cat - walked along the parapet of the concrete ditch to reach the water. Now, it seems, at least one animal knows that a source of fresh water is available in the cold. Hopefully, it will become a bit of a watering hole. This will have the added advantage of entertaining my beasts - and driving them crazy (which I figure is only fair.)


  1. Please refresh the water often...daily, if possible. Cats are so finicky about their water, and I know you want to invite them to drink with the best you have to offer. Congrats on those pawprints!

    1. I put fresh water in each night. I wipe out the bowl then, too, and wash it every few days.

  2. I forgot to mention this on your earlier post: thanks for passing on the information about how to keep water bowls heated. I keep a couple on the back porch for the outdoor crowd. Although we don't get snow here, during the winter there are always spells when it gets so cold the water freezes over, and I've gone nuts trying to figure out ways to create a warmer spot for the poor outdoor guys.

    1. Any good pet-supply shop should have a similar bowl. If not, ordering one on-line should be an option.

  3. OMB you Have the white stuff!xx Speedy

    1. Yes, unfortunately. I don't mind winter weather, but I prefer it in winter.

  4. mom has thought about getting one of these for our garage kitties, but after a couple of winters, we have discovered the garage doesn't actually freeze all that often. very nice of you to help them out though

    1. Thank you. It can get very cold here. If it reaches -20°, I'll see if the heat in the bowl still works. I assume there is a lower limit.

  5. guyz.....we haz had ta call upon copee N paste.....tiz crazed round de land oh trout late lee; we dunno left frum perch; down frum mackerull over head frum ham N friez; stoppin bye ta say hi with a grate week a head ~~~~~ ♥♥♥

    1. I hope things settle down in Trout Towne, guys. You have a good week, too.

  6. That is nice of you to offer fresh water. I see you already have snow- it is too early.

  7. It's good to hear that your water bowl has been discovered. I'm sure that you'll have frequent visitors once the neighborhood cats learn about it. Are you planning to put out a bowl of food also?

    1. I would like to include food but my budget doesn't extend to taking feeding more cats right now.

  8. Good idea for the water bowl! Going to try that. Been busy adopting a stray that has been hanging around for a few months. He had his last shots yesterday but I woke up this morning and he won't eat or drink. Off to see the vet now. They sure are a lot of work but love them!!!

    1. Hopefully he will eat on his own. If not, you may have to use a syringe to put food and water into him. If that's the case, buy some Recovery or a similar concentrated nutrition. Good luck to the little guy.

    2. Thanks! He's home and doing better. He actually ate and drank a little. Hope tomorrow we'll be better!

    3. Patty, I had a similar problem with my Alex after he received an immunization. That night and the next day he would not eat or drink, he was lethargic, and had a temp of 104. The vet diagnosed it as a vaccine reaction, and since then Alex has to get a shot of Benadryl before each immunization. I wonder if this could be what was wrong with your kitty. Paws crossed that he's feeling better.

    4. He's much better, thank you. Nice tip about the Benedryl. He did have a reaction to the vaccine so next time will try your advice.

  9. I am so glad someone has already fund the water. Thank you so much for helping them to have some water. That makes my heart happy for them/ I worry about cats outside anywhere but where your are..oh my. Snow snow snow.

    1. We can have quite a bit of snow, all right, but where I am, there is as much a chance of a winter being dry. A couple of winters in a row a few years back had almost no precipitation. This year, though, the prediction is for cold temperatures and snow.

  10. Success! Wonderful news that the source of fresh clean water has been discovered. Maybe some dry food could be added to the station (not costly, of course - any food will be most welcome), once you're sure it is, indeed a cat your're feeding and not a possum that's freeloading.

    1. Opossum and raccoons aren't a worry here, though I have seen skunks in some parts of town.

  11. Now that one has found their way to the watering hole, I imagine you will soon have a steady stream of visitors who will keep your cats entertained.

  12. How nice of you to leave water available for the outside cats.

    Thank you for your kind comment when we lost our Buddy in Sept. We miss him.

  13. In Toronto the paw prints would belong to a raccoon. Once the outside cats know of your water dish I am sure they will be regular visitors.
