Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Her New Location

Imogen has found a new location in which to lie. That’s where Aurora used to relax, and it provides a good vantage point out the glass doors to the concrete ditch. I had noticed Imo watching the birds who were gathering to eat just beyond the ditch; she had been observing from the dining area, and, I think, wanted to come closer to them. This new spot permits her to come a little closer, to gain the benefit of height and to keep her up and away from any attentions Brazil might want to give her. It also permits Miss Silky an escape route by jumping to the top of the cylinder-house cat-tree.

Each day, or at least each week, brings something new for the cats, some change in the routine, however small. This is Imogen’s change for this week. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.


  1. Scenic views, safety from Brazil, and an escape hatch. Sounds ideal.

  2. She's looking might sweet up there. And attentive, too!

  3. Boy! There's never a dull moment when you have cats.

  4. Have you ever been right there to see how she gets up on the bookcase? I would have loved to see that happen.

    1. Imo makes use of the armchair that can be seen in the photograph. She jumps on to the top edge of its back and then leaps to the top of the bookcase. She reverses the route to come down, or she leaps from the nearer bookcase to the cylinder-house cat-tree, and then down. She has it well organised.

  5. She looks comfortable and it is a nice spot to just lie and check out what's going on around her

  6. That sounds and looks like the perfect place for Imo.

  7. This reminds me of a country song, "Friends in low places" except for Imo, it's Friends in High Places. It's neat that she can watch the birds and outside critters from her spot.
