Monday, June 24, 2024

The Return to Workadayland

My holidays are over and I have left Idylland once more for Workadayland.

They were good holidays, and again reinforced the benefits of taking them all at once. I felt it very much after two weeks: I finished that weekend and realised that I still had another week to go. That extra week really made the difference. Some have suggested that I take a week off thrice a year, but those periods would merely seem like not enough time off, three times a year. Having much to do on my holidays, I can spend days on chores and not worry about using up my time; it certainly wouldn’t be the same feeling taking most of a week to clean up around the house, knowing that I had to return to work at the end of that week.

But even three weeks must end, and another trip to Idylland is over with. I enjoyed my time there, something not everyone experiences. Now, just 344 days until the next…


  1. Ah yes, I remember having to go back to work after time off. I'm glad to not do that anymore.

  2. 3 weeks off seems idyllic!
    Where does the time go?

  3. I remember the good old days when I'd get only one week allowed at a time. Never seemed long enough to do anything fun or home work. when I did finally get 2 off at a time it was more refreshing. Have a good week back to work.

  4. I hope the week goes well. My mom always said three weeks was ideal, as you needed a week to decompress, a week to really relax, and then a week to mentally gear up to go back. If I took three weeks off, I'd sob, having to return. Lol. Well, I sometimes do anyway, even with just a weekend off!!

  5. I'm reminded of how I felt as a kid when the first day of the school year loomed. Urgh.

    I'm glad you had a good holiday, although I suppose that might make returning to work even harder...

  6. I aways took 2 weeks vacation in July and my third week in September. That way I didn't have to wait so long for more time off. But the important thing is that you enjoyed your holiday and everything you needed to do was accomplished.

  7. I am glad you had a good holiday, but no matter how long you have, it is never enough.

  8. It is so hard to go back after having a significant time off. Even if you love your is so hard going back. There's always someone you don't care for...some work irritation and you must get used to all of the above again after being away.

  9. Workadayland is a busy place with so many people here and there and under the table, they dropped a pen or in the toilet because they are silly and should be on the toilet not in it.

  10. Vacations always go by too fast.

  11. Good to hear that you were able to get done what you needed to on your time off. I do hope you had some time to just relax and enjoy the time with the cats.
