Thursday, March 6, 2025

An Unfortunately Newsworthy Event

Early yesterday, I stated to a friend that I didn’t have anything to relate on my blog that day; the cats had been less than newsworthy. That changed after feeding them dinner.

Sable threw up, which is a first for her. It is something I have feared since taking her in, since there is no way to medicate her without physically capturing her and causing far too much stress to justify the reason. And, as she spends much of her time when upstairs under the bed, that’s where she threw up. It was very soon after dinner, and gave no sign of being caused by a hairball. I had to move the bed to clean the carpet, so Sabe hurried downstairs. There, she barfed up more on the couch, though most of the food in her stomach had already been brought up.

She did not move much during the evening, but I saw no new signs of vomiting this morning. I fed her a small breakfast; it was the only way to determine if she was still sick; she felt well enough to eat it all. As she did not bring up anything during the night - it would have been just watery bile, I suspect - I hope that it was simply a matter of the food served her for dinner, though a couple of the other beasts received smaller portions from the same tin, and suffered not at all for them. Furthermore, it was a variety of food that Sable has eaten with success and apparent enjoyment numerous times in the past.

There is, unfortunately, not much to be done for her. She and I waited out the night, and I will see what today produces. Other than that, a semi-feral cat offers no options for health care, unless the issue is vital. Later, the more sociable cats came to keep Sable company, and she drank some water just a few feet away from where I was sweeping the floor and scooping litter-boxes.

Even so, I would have preferred another newsless day.


  1. If Sable continues to stay UTB, cover the carpet with a sheet or blanket. Maybe that'll help for future clean up. Hope she just had a bad moment.

    1. That's a good idea. I wouldn't have thought it necessary until now.

  2. That's worrisome, of course, but it sounds like it may have been just a temporary stomach bug. Here's hoping so, at any rate.

  3. I hope she's okay now. Could she be tricked into a small amount of something tasty hiding gabapentin if necessary? She'd have to be willing to eat, of course.

    1. It's possible, but I don't want to make her suspicious of food at this point. I'll see how things go.
