Renn will be going to the hospital tomorrow to have his bladder examined again by ultra-sound, but yesterday, it was Neville’s turn.
My bulky little misanthrope has a swelling on his lip. I suspected that it was a minor infection that would need antibiotics, and that’s what it is. There is nothing to worry about in this case. However, also I wanted a small, flatfish mass on his right side checked, too. The doctor took a sample to scruitise under a microscope.
The mass appears to be lipoma - a benign fatty lump - but it also has indications of spindle-cell carcinoma, which sometimes surrounds itself with fat tissue. This carcinoma could grow, but the veterinary stated that it tends to be local, and doesn’t spread much. It can be excised through surgery, but it is not always easy to catch it all. For the time being, it will be left alone and watched. It is not bothering the Nevski, who is much more annoyed by having to take medicine for his infection.
While nothing will be done about the mass - which may or may not be harmful - the visit was useful in learning what it could be. We will be vigilant, my grey lion and I.
As an aside, Neville, who usually wants to be left alone, except for the odd chin-rub, stuck close to me at the veterinary hospital, rubbing against my legs and purring much of the time. When his examination was over, he walked over to the carrier; I opened the door, and in he went, ready to go home. He’s a good patient, when over-awed by his surroundings.