Saturday, January 20, 2024

Fewer, Again

Theodore left for his permanent home today. He is one I will miss quite a bit. Despite his annoyingly intense food-obsession, he and I were becoming good friends. He started lying on my lap, and likes to have his chest rubbed; though he will pretend to bite the human, his teeth won’t make contact. We have been sent pictures already and, while he appears apprehensive, he is neither hiding nor shying away from the touch of those as yet strangers. I have no more to report about Chiff; I will pass on information about them as I receive it.

The apartment seems under-populated again. There will be less bustle at play-time and, perhaps, more time saved when serving meals. Cats are, however, rather like gas and volume, in that they tend to fill whatever time is available. It’s going to be quieter here, I know; when Aurora and Brazil play together, they tend not to make themselves heard as much as the siblings did. I will miss the sound of kittens having fun.

To compensate for lack of a picture of the recently transported, I will instead present a failed attempt to take a more updated photograph of Auro.


  1. Dearest John,
    It is wonderful that those kittens found their forever home but it leaves a void... But good report thanks to your care and coaching.

  2. Thank you for showing these youngsters a normal life, before going to their furrever homes. Wishing them long and happy lives, full of love xxx.

  3. I certainly hope that both the kittens are in their forever home. Because they certainly do deserve that. And that is a rather upright photo of Aurora if not an updated photo of Aurora.

  4. I have my fingers crossed for Theodore and Chiff, and am looking forward to further updates if/when you get them.

    That makes 5 furry residents at the Cosy Apartment, I believe, which still is a very full house!

  5. I enjoyed this wonderful news very much. Hoping to hear more about those kittens and I love the photo fail of Aurora! :-)

  6. It is lovely that they move on to new homes. Trying to turn that loss we feel into a tangible is strangely difficult. I bet some more kittens will arrive to fill the void pretty quick, and when you least expect. Till then, I love the photofail. Such energy for a Sunday 🙂!

  7. I'm sure Theodore will settle in soon. He sounds like such a sweet fellow.

    And I love that photo of Aurora--rocket cat!

  8. I hope Theodore settles well into his new home, and Miss Chiff is already doing so.

  9. It's wonderful to hear that Theo is settling into his furever home. However, I can understand your feelings. As I've said multiple times, I have great respect for foster parents because it's something I couldn't do. I'd be a foster failure.

  10. all de best two ewe dood ! we N joyed yur ad venturez dad shared and hope yur new peepulz share sum two :) ♥♥

  11. I hope all goes well with the cats new homes

  12. All the best to Theodore and we hope he has a most happy life.

  13. Aurora: "My people need me! I must away!"

  14. Good news for Theodore. I do hope he is happy in his new home.
