Friday, January 12, 2024

Playing the Hazard

The stereotyped image of a cat-owner looking for his friends’ toys under a couch or kitchen appliance is a true picture for many. It is in the Cosy Apartment. The youngsters, especially Chiff and Theodore, are often knocking fuzzy mice or, in the latter’s case, his ‘puff-ball’, under the oven or refrigerator. In fact, it is a daily, if not, at certain times, an hourly occurrence. I at last realised why.

Watching the cats play, I saw that, while they enjoy fighting with a stuffed ‘kicker’ or a fat fabric mouse on the carpet, what they find more exciting is to bat the small - and thus easily manipulated (if one can use that word in connection with animals who don’t have hands) - items about on an uncarpetted floor, a surface that allows for easy sliding. I have, in fact, seen Chiff and Theodore carry a toy from the sitting room to the dining area, drop it on the hard floor, and start playing with it. There isn’t much space that isn’t carpetted, so they also take advantage of the bathroom and kitchen. It doesn’t take long for a toy to disappear under a big appliance in such a situation.

Other people may have had this revelation sooner, but it took me time to figure out why the kittens lose their toys so easily and frequently. It is, simply, the hazards of the preferred playing field. Objects don’t slide on rugs and carpets, but they don’t provide as much excitement, either. So I will be a bit more tolerant when I see one of the siblings trying to reach, for the tenth time that hour, a mouse or ball just out of reach under the fridge. A bit more tolerant.


  1. LOL, that makes "purrfect" sense. Which reminds me, I have to find Saku's lost springs. I suspect they are under the couch, but maybe he too has decided to use the stove in his battles. That's where I found them in the first place, when I cleaned behind the stove after we moved in.

  2. She gives mighty whaps to her mice and balls (which roll on the carpet well) making me have to get up and peer with her under the couch and chair. She's like any kid. Set it down for her...and WHAP! several soccer moves forward and BINGO! Under the couch. Again.

  3. Precious loves a tiny paper wad made of a tea bag paper and run it all over the kitchen vinyl flooring and under the stove. And wait impatiently for me to retrieve over and over and over...............

  4. Watching cats play can bring some happiness into one's life well it does for me

  5. That face is irresistible. I think my knees are past the days where I could easily get down on the floor and up again, though. Have fun with that. 😁

  6. It seems that the kitchen is the favorite playground for the cats. Since I can't move the stove or refrigerator, I'm embarrassed to think how many toys maintenance will find when I move and they have to fix up the apartment for the next tenant.

  7. I think you are right. Eric loved rolled up balls of paper and the majority were found under the kitchen appliances.

  8. If we move any furniture, spring toys appear!

  9. One of my cats' favorite toys is a silvervine stick. They love gnawing them and batting them around. Then, suddenly, it was lost. I couldn't find it anywhere. I finally concluded it was just one of life's mysteries.

    Yesterday, I pulled out the refrigerator so I could dust behind it. Guess what I found under it.


  10. I put some 'bars' of wood under the stove and washer and dryer, the fridge was too low for the toys to hide there. It worked pretty good, unless they would swat the bars if they were playing near therm LOL...then the yardstick came out to help!
