Monday, January 1, 2024

An Entirely Selfish Beginning to My 2024 Blogging

I hope 2024 has begun for everyone free of unpleasant incidents. To be honest, as I grow older, I find that any kind of incident whatsoever is best avoided. This may seem like throwing the baby out with the bath-water but, frankly, I think that ‘incident’ by definition implies something to be declined, and in this case, the baby is probably just as undesirable as the bath-water.


This first blog-article of the new year has nothing to do with cats. It has to do with me. I have published a book. I published it through Amazon which required a great deal of learning and effort, but has, in the end, proved advantageous. I had spent some time years ago trying to interest real publishing houses in my stories. However, the subject matter and the format, along with the ever-increasing costs of printing and marketing, made interest in my work less than encouraging. Or I may simply write crap.

This is a collection of short stories about the fictional adventures of an equally fictional British intelligence officer in the 1920s. They are not in the James Bond vein; I tried to make them realistic, though they are, in truth, mysteries with an espionage setting. Each is a self-contained tale, though there is a continuity to them. They do not involve cats.

A number of people may want to buy the book just to be generous to me. While appreciated, there is no sense in purchasing something unless one is interested in the subject. I wrote these stories (and quite a few others, hopefully to follow) through the years just as manifestations of my joy in writing. I published them just to have a physical form to that writing. Selling the finished product would be a bonus, but I will never live off my writing. That was never the point, and I consider it impractical to expect that to happen. I actually intend still to live off my winnings in the lottery, which I am sure one day will occur.

Nonetheless, if anyone wants to buy the book, such action will not make them an enemy of mine. It is available in both paperback and electronic form, the latter for a Kindle reader, from Amazon. I have never purchased an electronic book, and likely never will, so I have no idea if the electronic form is compatible on one’s private computer or abacus. Also, I noted that I cannot purchase the Kindle version from, only from Someone who is not me informed me that the Kindle version is indeed available for purchase from This confirms what another had told me: that Amazon, for reasons of its own, wants Canadians to buy from their ‘local’ Amazon (.ca) and not a foreign version (.com). Yet I can buy a paperback version from

All of this is beside the point. If someone wishes to buy the book, in whatever form, it will probably be easy to do so. I have received a hard-copy myself and was pleased at the result. The cover is laminated, the paper of good, if not excellent, quality. Other print-on-demand works I have seen contain numerous errors; this one contains none that I have found. (It better not; I went over it many, many times.) As well, Amazon, whether one likes it or not, seems to be experienced in this line, and so knows what it is doing.

As I wrote, I hope to have sequels in the future. The stories are already written, and need only publishing. I will do this regardless of the sales of the first volume, since, like that initial book, I will be doing it just to have the stories in physical form; perhaps next year. Unless, of course, I am subject to an incident.

Tomorrow, we will return to our regularly scheduled cats.


  1. You published a book how cool s that, I understand publishing just because you can and you're not asking people to buy it which is good

  2. Congratulations! This is amazing, definitely not what I was expecting you to write about. I'm delighted you are publishing your writings, and perhaps one day you will publish Dr. Bellen's cat stories too.

    1. I'd like to write a story based on the two blog-entries "Mr Parker Abroad", but I would need an illustrator for that, since I think it would be a good story to help children with the death of a pet.

    2. What a good idea! I remember Mr Parker well and his jaunts into the world.

  3. Congratulations!!! I hope it does well.

  4. CONGRATULATIONS, JOHN!! I have felt you should write a book for quite some time now, and I'm so glad you did. Like Kia, I think your Dr.Bellen stories would be wonderful for children, (and even adults - I love them!). Meanwhile, best of luck with "Inductions Dangerous". I can't wait to read it.

  5. That is wonderful, John. Congratulations! I will most definitely check it out on Amazon. :)

  6. Well done sir. It is quite the effort and lots of hard work.

  7. Whey~Hey! John...Well done you...!
    I've just Googled, and
    just below the Kindle version, is the
    paperback, at a cost of £10.23 and
    free P&P...delivered this Friday 5th....
    So, sending link off the my daughter,
    and she'll order it for me...! :).

    As l've said before, l don't read books,
    not book~books...pages full of just words,
    but, books with illustrations or short stories,
    then, yes, l'm up for those...!

    Can l say finally John..There's one thing you
    don't do..and that's write 'crap'....! Far from it..!

  8. Congratulations on getting your book published!
    I also sometimes have the same problem with Amazon. I go to .com and it redirects me to, then tells me it is not available in my country.

  9. Wonderful news John, congratulations. I read all the time and I honestly cannot imagine how an author's mind can put down all these words that have meaning when I read them. I hope the sales go skyrocketing for you.

  10. I too, as does Precious hope the sales are many.

  11. That's great news! I've always greatly admired your writing, and have hoped you'd do something of this sort. I bought the e-book yesterday evening. I haven't had a chance to finish it yet, but I love what I've read of it. The period between the two World Wars was a fascinating one, and makes a great backdrop for your stories. I do hope to see more of your work.

    Finding a publisher isn't easy, so this "publish on demand" business is a real godsend. Back in the day, my aunt was a TV scriptwriter. She became friends with another writer, Laura Levine, who now writes what they call "cozy mystery" novels. Laura encouraged us to write one to show her publisher. We got turned down (I think they only wanted to sign on people who already had a "name" in the industry,) so Laura suggested we self-publish on Amazon. We have several novels now, with a non-fiction book and some other stuff. I wouldn't say it's been a gold mine for us, but it's fun. Best of luck with your new endeavor!

    1. I had no idea you are a published author Undine. That’s neat. By ‘we’, do you mean you and your aunt? What are their titles? Write to me directly if you wish.

    2. My aunt and I have been writing partners for years, since her TV days. We publish on Amazon under our IRL names, Lisa and Mara Lideks. We have a series of serio-comic murder novels, the "Forrest Sisters Mysteries," but after reading your book, I fear ours aren't nearly as good as yours!

  12. Of course I want a copy!!! Bravo, John!

  13. Congratulations John! My immediate thought was stories of the cats, but your subject matter makes sense based on your knowledge of history. I do enjoy a good mystery, so will tuck it in my cart for the next time I make an order. (I refuse to pay shipping and will not buy a prime membership since I only order a few times a year).

  14. may the sales be enough to let you retire to idylland !!! conga rats to you :) this is an awesome achievement . VERY HAPPY for you ♥ :)

  15. Congrats!! That is quite a big deal in my mind!! Glad you were able to do it, and no, from what I read here in your cat stories, you do NOT write crap!
