Saturday, January 13, 2024

Winter Has Turned Wintry

The weather here has turned wintry. In fact, until a few days ago, it felt more like early autumn, which suggests that the current situation is making up for lost time. This is what the weather was like Thursday evening. Temperatures are in Celsius.

As you can see, it has warmed up considerably from then.

To be honest, it feels rather colder than -35°, as it is the first time in my memory that even a minute or two without mittens makes the hands hurt. It also makes for difficulty breathing while riding a bicycle, another first. There are, of course, local and minor factors that influence the weather, so the actual temperature and conditions vary quite a bit.

By next weekend, it will be above freezing. This is life in southern Alberta.

I worry about the outsider cats. Since this deep-freeze has begun, I have not seen those in the feral colony at my work-place, or the ones who come to my own food- and water-bowls at home. It is too cold for them to move about; I can hope only that they are surviving. At a time when they need nourishment the most, they don’t feel that they can stir enough to obtain it.

I don’t care for extremes, in any field or subject. Extremes of weather, however, can be deadly; I like very high temperatures and torrential rains no more than I do very low temperatures and drought. Let’s hope Mother Nature feels inclined to put the ‘temperate’ back in the temperate zone soon.


  1. Your winter is wintery and my summer is stinking bloody hot and humid I sit here drenched in sweat

  2. Like you, I'm concerned about outdoor cats in bad weather. We have a few feral cats that roam around my apartment complex, and while there are shelters for them and food and water are provided, I still worry.

  3. My heart breaks for all the poor outside kitties.

  4. I echo my co concerns for the four-leggeds (and two) who sadly don't have warm places to go. It's not that cold here, but our temps ARE taking a significant dip into minus double digits, plus the windchill, this coming week. πŸ₯Ά

    Stay cosy and perhaps you will have some hungry visitors soon.

  5. We sure worry about our outside feral family when it gets so cold, it's sad for them. All of them won't use the shelters we provide.

  6. Dearest John,
    That is indeed true winter!
    Guess with my damaged leg nerves I would not be able to survive such cold... Sounds like our week of work in January, in North Dakota at –40°C. No thanks!
    Also a concern for all critters having to survive such harsh elements!

  7. I do hope the ferals have found places to hunker down for this darned cold weather. I'm sure they'll be venturing to the Cafe Cozy as soon as they can.

  8. Wow - we think 2 degC is cold. I always eonder how outdoors creatures survive such extremes. Kerp warm and cozy friends.

  9. I do hope all the outdoor cats keep safe. Those are extreme temperatures and I am glad they are set to rise by next weekend. It has turned a lot colder here but nothing like your temperatures. I complain about -4 or -5!

  10. I know what you're saying about worrying about the feral cats. We're getting an Arctic blast here this weekend with 50 mph winds, and snow. I haven't seen any of our neighbors cats wandering around either. But I'm sure they're outside, as these people think that's where the cat should be.

  11. I always worry so much about the outside kitties who are suffering so in frigid below freezing cold. I wish I could make it go away for them. I cringe when I see a feral cat in that kind of weather.

  12. guyz…we haz a heet wave next two yur houz…it be minus 4 with
    de wind chillz at minus 26…and we wizh it wood go two …soundz like swell…and bring de heet back with it πŸ₯ΆπŸ’™πŸŸ

  13. Yikes. It's unusually cold where I live, too, but we're a furnace compared to you. And I just read that the weather is putting a strain on Alberta's power grid...

    Those poor outdoor cats. I hope they've found some sort of shelter. And poor you, having to bicycle through all that. I hope your route to work is at least a short one!

  14. Yes, it's very cold, and that biting wind too.
    The Hubby and I put out the old Cat Hotel, filled with straw, just in case there is some kitty out there who needs a place out of the wind.
    Plus a water bucket, sitting in the bright sunshine.

  15. Right now its -22C here, in SW Michigan where we are....that is plenty cold already! Brrr. I hope your ferals will be back soon. They live such a harsh life, poor things.
