Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Tail Tells

Though I still have hopes that Brazil will be adopted, I must be realistic. He is not a difficult cat. He is, in fact, rather easy: all you need is a great deal of patience and understanding. He will come around. It’s finding the right adopters that is the difficult part.

In the meantime, I continue to try to integrate him and Imogen. The latter dislikes the former; the former sometimes is rather too forward for the latter. I don’t keep Shimmer out of the bedroom – Imo’s safe-zone – all the time, since that would never advance the situation. He does come in and I allow him in under strict supervision; I am ready for anything that may happen.

What I have found is that Brazil is trying to sneak in to the bedroom without oversight. He thinks he is being stealthy. He will come in and lie under the bed. This is him flouting authority, I think. The trouble is that that long, slender tail of his usually sticks out. It’s like hiding underground but flying your flag over the inconspicuous spot you’ve chosen.

But this is moving in the right direction. If Brazil can be in the bedroom – and often Miss Silky knows he’s there – yet peace is maintained, then it is all to the good. The next stage will probably be Brazil seeing how long he will be permitted to stay while out in the open. Or, more to the point, how long he can restrain himself from making a nuisance with Imogen.

One step at a time.


  1. I'm not sure who needs patience and understanding - Brazil, Imogen or you. Brazil, who keeps trying to befriend Imogen - Imogen, who keeps trying to avoid Brazil - or you, who keeps trying to integrate the two of them! Meanwhile, I'm glad to hear how well Emori is doing. Hopefully she'll be adopted quickly.

  2. Stinker! The tail tells all. :)

  3. I agree, patience is what it's all about, that and love!

  4. Oh gosh. Roberta! That was a good summing up!

  5. That is almost funny! I sure hope that one day we might have a post that tells us of the miracle of Imogen cuddling with Brazil....Hmmmm, I won't hold my breath!

  6. Always something to look forward to...
    HeHe! Bless..! :O).

  7. This could be a very fun situation. Maybe the two of them will eventually break the ice together.

  8. The situation reminds me of the Nicki/Annie dynamic, though in Nicki's case he was a bully and a brat. At least Brazil will "sneak" in and not attack Imogen. I admit, though that I do NOT have the patience to attempt handle the dynamics you deal with! I don't know that Imogen and Brazil will ever cuddle (!), but peaceful and respectful coexistence would be great.

  9. Poor Imogen! I feel for Brazil, too. He probably can't understand why she hasn't fallen for his charm.

    I love that photo of Emori, by the way. How lucky she and her kittens were to be rescued from a horrible fate.
