Tuesday, October 17, 2017

A Small Embarrassment

Though, as we know, cats are by and large clean animals, they can create a bit of a mess now and then. This is especially the case with long-haired cats. They sometimes need extra attention from their humans. Renn is officially considered ‘medium-haired’, but his fur is long enough for me.

During the weekend, he used the litter-box and left a particularly stinky and less-than-solid deposit. That did not bother me overly much; I merely scooped it out right away. But the smell lingered. In fact, it seemed to follow my big boy about. I figured that his bum would need cleaning. It was worse than that. His tail needing cleaning, and so did whatever his tail had brushed against since leaving the litter box. Sigh.

Well, that’s part of our job, so I gathered up a protesting Renn and took him into the bathroom, where he protested even more fully. I had to wash his tail quite vigorously, soaking it in the process. My big boy disliked the process tremendously, but he has a floofy tail and had evidently been flourishing it about as he left the litter-box, so there was much to be done.

I think Renn was embarrassed more than anything else. This rarely occurs to him; despite the length of his hair, he is a very clean fellow, and this was no doubt mildly humiliating. He retreated afterward to the tallest cat-tree to hide, and clean himself in private.

It happens to the best of cats, my big boy…


  1. Oh, we hate it when the Klingons invade!

  2. Awwww, Renn....I can imagine the clean-up from his "wayward" tail. :-P

    My problem is that because I can't smell anything, I have to SEE something to realize there's a mess. Often what I'll see first is Derry scratching at the carpet or floor (to bury a bit of whatever it is) before I'll notice it (if it's just a tiny bit, I mean).

  3. Renny, don't worry...no one knows but you and your peep (nope, the interwebs don't know NUTHIN!) A spa day is what you had, and everyone enjoys a spa day, right?

  4. It is a monthly occurrence that Annabelle will have some kling ons and I will have to help her out. She is immensely unhappy that I do this but she is very tolerant but it is not done willfully.

  5. dear sir; please don't be embarrassed it does happen to the best of us, myself included....hugs from dai$y =^..*= ♥♥

  6. Oh Renn. xx When Katie got so ill last year with diarrhea and vomiting bile a similar thing happened to her. Her furs got wet with diarrhea and I had to take her to the Vet anyway so I asked them to clean her up.

  7. Poor Renn, that does happen to cats with longer fur.

  8. Ah, Renn, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Joey is medium haired and he does have a similar problem on occasion. Thank goodness for pet wipes, dry pet shampoo, and carpet cleaner for pet odors.

  9. Hmm I am thinking Renn may need a visit to the spa like miss poppy. I admire your ability to pin him down and clean. If I cleaned miss pops I figure it would be a 2 person job. The clipping helps enormously and is done quickly. She seems perfectly fine with it afterwards.

    Julie and poppyq
