In contrast to poor Sable, Moxy continues to improve in his extroversion. Last evening, I picked him up and brought him into the sitting room, where I put him on my lap. I don’t think he had ever been on my lap, and I wondered what he would do. The Mixer appeared a bit puzzled at first, but then started kneading; I could feel if not hear him purring. The two pictures immediately below are blurry because it’s difficult to hold a telephone still while sharp claws are puncturing my leg.
Then he moved off my lap, turned to look out the window and jumped onto the lower cat-tree to peer outside. He went further a few minutes later, crossing over to the taller tree and settling down on the top platform for a little snooze.
This is the first time Mox has climbed onto either sitting room cat-tree of his own accord. I think it helped that the other beasts were in other rooms; the Mixer is still wary of Brazil, especially, and remains a naturally timid cat. But this is quite a step forward for the heavy fellow, and demonstrates that he wants to live in as much of the Cosy Cabin as possible. It is, after all, his home.