Monday, February 10, 2025

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Along with her increased affection, Imogen has now started to spend more time in the sitting room. She disliked that space previously because she did not want to be cut off by Brazil from any escape to the rest of the house, where she feels safer. Shimmer will sometimes come in and stare at Imo. This makes the latter uncomfortable, which is understandable, given their history.

Nonetheless, Miss Silky is now feeling more comfortable in the sitting room, relaxing on the tall cat-tree, and viewing the wide world through the wide front window. She still doesn’t like other cats’ propinquity, including Valkyrie’s, despite their exchange of whaps at play-time. Val’s interest in Imogen on the cat-tree is more innocent than Brazil’s, but is unwanted, even so.

But, as may be seen, Imo is quite at ease on her unaccustomed perch, not too worried about interference. The Cosy Cabin’s influence on the beasts continues to be positive.


  1. That perch does provide her a terrific spot from which to keep an eye on things, both outside and inside!

  2. A much more entertaining place to be than the top of the fridge. Nice to see Imo looking out at the neighborhood. Making the new Cosy Cabin her domain.

  3. The cats all seem to be enjoying the new residence!

  4. She sure enjoys that perch. It's great for watching "Bird TV".
