Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Changes, Part 2

Aside from a possible new home for Tempo, other big things are happening at the Cosy Apartment. In fact, the Cosy Apartment will soon be no more. I will be moving at the end of October.

Not long ago, my apartment building was old. The new owners began renovating the apartments as they fell vacant. The vacancy rate was assisted by the new landlords not renewing old leases. This meant the tenants had to move out, and their residences could then be renovated. The tenants could move back in, but their old leases, having expired, were succeeded by new ones. This is the case with me. I have been offered a choice of several apartments in the same building.

The problem with this is that the new leases feature new rent-prices. For a two bedroom apartment, such as mine, the new, ‘renovated’ price will be more than 50 per cent more than mine is now. It’s true that my rent has been pretty good, but such an increase is not something that I can pay with any margin for other expenses. It in fact represents 64 per cent of my take-home pay. So I and the beasts will re-locate.

Fortunately, a friend has a house she recently bought, which will be available for me to rent. The rent will be more affordable than what my apartment would cost. I will be able to take all my cats, of course, and not worry about having more than a certain number living with me.

And so the immensely annoying process of physically moving will soon commence. I would prefer simply to set fire to my belongings and just flee the scene, but I would probably lose much of my damage deposit. I will have an overlap of a fortnight, in the last half of October, during which I will be able to move into the new abode but still live in the old. This will keep the move from being the rush it might otherwise would be. And it will assist in something I have in mind that I hope to accomplish before this latest change. More about that on another day.


  1. Oh moving is never pleasant, but it sounds like everything will work out. Of course, it will take some time for you to get settled, but the important thing is that you'll be able to take your cats, and I'm sure they will want to supervise the packing and unpacking. I wish you much luck and happiness in your new home.

  2. That is certainly not the changes I was expecting! I hope all goes well and the cats settle in well as well as you.

  3. A bit of excitement for all of you coming up
    then John...I imagine the furry ones will enjoy place, new smells, new everything...Bless! :).

    Good news that a friend has a home for you, to move
    to...and all the furry ones as well...can't wait to hear of
    it all, and l suspect a few interesting photos...Bless! :).

    All the very best John...and in your move...!
    Have you told the furry ones yet...HeHe! :O)

  4. Hope the move does goes smoothly and efficiently. It is a lot of work to box up belongings and actually move. Good you have some slack time to do it all. What an experience it will be for the cats to check out a new home! Best wishes on this.

  5. I'm so glad the house worked out! I cringe at the thought of all your packing and wish I could send you all the packing boxes I purchased 4 years ago, with the hope that *I* would have a better housing opportunity. Lol. It's great you have that overlap, though. Is the new house large enough for a roommate if you so desire? That would not appeal to me, but it would help with costs. Anyway, good luck and I'm bursting with curiosity at what else is happening!

  6. Moving is such a pain but I'm sure the end result will be worth it.

  7. It has come to pass at last. I wish I could help you move.

  8. Moving is a real hassle--especially with cats!--but what a stroke of luck that you were able to find an affordable house so quickly.

    I believe I started reading your blog about the time you sold your house and moved to the apartment. I feel a bit like we've come full circle. And as an aside, lord, John, I think you have even more books than I do.

  9. "...set fire to my belongings and just flee the scene..." AMEN to that!

  10. Oh we understand what a hassle the move wil lbe, but what a blessing that you were able to find a compatible place without the extra angst of THAT hide-and-seek.
