Saturday, September 7, 2024


It seems fitting that the Cosy Apartment should always have a cat who is interested in water. Tempo’s kittenish curiosity makes her a satisfactory heir to my scientist, Renn, though she doesn’t have my big boy’s comprehensively inquiring mind. But she does love to examine running or dripping water. These pictures are typical of how she reacts, watching, tapping, licking; in this case, when water-bowls have been set on the counter to make way for vacuuming. But Temps will look for a chance to question water about its characteristics at any time.


  1. A girl after my own heart. Sharp, inquisitive and an able explorer with the skills necessary to put things to rights.

  2. What a bright girl! I'm sure she'll figure out the Theory of Relativity in no time.

  3. HeHe! Dare l say it....Think she has everything
    on 'tap'....Bless!x

  4. She has an inquiring mind. Renn would be proud of her.

  5. I wonder if she'll engage in other scientific pursuits as she gets older. 🙃

  6. Has she figured out that our water drains left to right and down under it is right to left?

  7. Well, she's young. She may be on the way to becoming your new scientist!

  8. tempo tell dad ta put sum fish in that sink...a few hundred minnow will werk :) ♥♥ !!

  9. Adorable! Amber used to lay in the bathroom sink when she was younger, she loved it, until the tap/faucet dripped!

  10. Saku is not a scientist like Renn nor curious like Tempo, but he certainly enjoys drinking his water fresh from the tap. No matter there is a running fountain in the kitchen for him...he wants the tap turned on. Cats are characters!
