Sunday, September 1, 2024

It's Chin-rubbing Time

This is Neville asking for chin-rubs. He wants me to sit down so that he can climb on my lap and be attended to. His request does not last as long this time as at others, but this is the best I could record. You may have to turn up the sound.


  1. We must take our pleasures as they come.

  2. Ahhh, and then he got what he wanted needed!!
    There are some cute kittens on my post for today..., I went to an adoption event...but still no kitties at our den. I had a discussion with hubby,and he thinks cats would not be a good mix with our current duo of prey driven I get my cat fixes at local adoption events. LOL! If they had meezers I for sure would go nuts!!

  3. Handsome boy and I can see his fur is getting long again. They all want their attention in one way or another don't they.

  4. Aw, I love how he was asking for scritches!

  5. OH my...Neville, I love hearing you ask for attention and of course it brought you just what you were wanting...wonderful chin rubs and conversation between the two of you, pertinent to you both. What a grand time you had. As always, looking at you is a pleasure. You are so handsome.

  6. He's such a handsome boy. Who could resist?

  7. Adorable. We loved hearing Neville's voice.
