Saturday, September 14, 2024

Operation Creamsicle

There has been a revision in the plan to capture the outsider cats. Originally, I had intended to try my luck at trapping the three of them in the fortnight during which I had access to both my old apartment and the new house. After discussion with a friend, I decided that this was too restricted a window of opportunity, especially when it came to capturing Arliss.

Now, I will try to trap that white-and-orange boy whenever he shows up. He does so very infrequently, so I cannot depend upon him making an appearance during the last two weeks of October. I don’t know if he will visit even between now and when I vacate the Cosy Apartment. But if he does, I will try to trap him, then get him neutered – I am pretty sure he is intact – and keep him where I can until it is time to move him.

This will lead to problems in itself. If, for instance, I capture him in the next week, he cannot stay for a month in a carrier, or even in a kennel. He will have to be released into the library, where he will be isolated. Then, there will be the difficulty of putting him in a carrier to transport him to the new abode. However, these problems are much less than that engendered by waiting until almost the last minute to corral him.

Operation Creamsicle begins.


  1. Best of luck trapping him. I hope you are at least able to neuter him and that universal forces/the fates/lady luck align for them all.

    1. If I can capture him, I will try to make him an insider-cat. It may be disastrous. It may not be. Come to think of it, that's what the doctor said when I was born, so...

  2. Purrayers for you and the Creamsicle cat !

  3. This is our plans with Henry, now that she is showing so much interest in Da Boyz. C'mon Arliss, be a good chap and show up!

  4. Good luck trapping Arliss. I hope things work out and you are able to make him an indoor cat. We had one feral at the animal shelter where I volunteer and it took us a year before she would permit us to come near her. She has since been adopted and I understand that she has become very affectionate and sweet.

  5. I hope you have success with trapping the Creamsicle cat!

  6. You have the best interest in these outdoor cats and it shows. Best of luck catching any or all of them.

  7. Prayers and fingers crossed for Operation Creamcicle!

  8. Best of luck with Arliss. I wish there was some way of communicating to him what a wonderful opportunity he has for a better life.

  9. You know, I like what Undine said. I will depend on you personally communicating with him in few sentences the plan for his betterment. Please do that. He doesn't have to be there to see you or you him thought that helps.

  10. best fishes as we say here in TT; probably when you least expect to see him, is when he'll be at your doorway ♥♥ !!

  11. I hope it all goes easier then you think it will

  12. Wow, all these changes...hope it all works out, both for you and your feline charges and the charges to least we hope you can trap these elusive ones. Lets have positive vibes going out to lure them in....
