Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Moxy's Bad Dream

Yesterday, it was Moxy’s turn.

My new foster-cat went to the veterinary hospital for his check-up. He was displeased at the whole thing. It was a stressful time for him, made a little worse by having to have a few extra tests thrown in. He was given a SNAP test, for feline leukemia, FIV, and other nasty things. He was negative for all.

He is, in fact, in pretty good shape for a cat who was inside/outside for most of his life. He has no ear-mites, likely no worms (I have seen nothing in his feces, but he was given an anti-worm pill, just in case), his weight is good (he’s a naturally big cat) and his coat healthy. He does need a dental procedure. One of his canines is broken (I had noticed that myself) and will have to come out; it is causing him some pain. The surgery will be scheduled soon.

Then, it was back to the Cosy Apartment. Such was his worry that Moxy scratched his claws bloody on the carrier during the trip home. But those are superficial injuries, and he was soon eating, then lying against me, purring, kneading and drifting off to sleep. He probably thinks it was all a bad dream.

1 comment:

  1. A downright nightmare and an insult to Moxy, lol. Good thing he will be inside and not break another tooth on whatever.
