Tuesday, October 8, 2024

One Down

This is Tiffany. The lighting is bad, and she’s not at her best, but it’s Tiffany. She belongs to a former neighbour of mine who, like most of the tenants in my building, has moved to a less expensive rental. Tiffany was an inside/outside cat and wouldn’t come home before her human had to move. But she continued to haunt the building and, when she realised that no one was any longer in her former home, she started coming to my place, knowing that there was food to be had. I added her to the list of cats I needed to trap. I caught her last night. A generous acquaintance drove her soon after to her human. Tiffany quickly joined her perpetually shy sister under the bed. She will be well.

Now, on to the hard-cases…


  1. I'm so glad to read a happy ending for Tiffany. Hurrah for catching her!

  2. Well done on catching her. I am glad the neighbour took her back in.

  3. buzzed happee for ewe tiffany that ewe R now bak with yur sisturr and yur familee 💙💚😺

  4. Here's hoping that's a good sign for future trapping...

  5. Good job! And good luck on the rest.

  6. We can only imagine how happy Tiffany was to be reunited.

  7. Glad that Tiffany's owner took her back and only left her because he couldn't catch her. Happy endings to all !!

  8. That's good she has been reunited with her human

  9. I can't believe her human just up and left her, she's beautiful.

  10. I'm so glad you were able to returnTiffany to her human. That's great news. Here's hoping you'll be able to trap the other cats soon.

  11. Well done! I'm sure her mom and sister will be happy to see her...even UTB.
