A few more pictures and words about play-time. While Moxy, Indigo, Sable and, of course, my oldster Neville haven’t indulged much - or at all, really - half the feline population in the Cosy Cabin continue to throw off the restrictions of the apartment and take advantage of their new home.
Last night, Imogen pursued the red dot into the bathroom, where she chased it under the bath-mat, which was eventually propelled out the door.
I can’t be everywhere at once, unfortunately, and Shimmer had to remind me that the red dot isn’t going to move itself.
The kittens, however, were quite undemanding, ready to chase after anything - even each other.
And afterward, a soft-food snack and some rest - for the human, too.
It sounds like you're being kept on your toes. Obviously things at the Cosy Cabin are never dull.