Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Sable's Progress

Some readers may be wondering how Sable is doing. She is still very shy and wary. However, she has taken to spending more time than previous in the carrier that has been left in her room.

I take this as progress because she had been spending all of her time so far in an enclosed cat-bed which pretty much hid her from sight, and hid the rest of the world from her sight. Now, she can see much more of the room, and see much more of me when I come in. Nor does she dart from the carrier to the enclosed cat-bed when I enter to the cat-room. In other words, I think the carrier provides a less protected feeling for her, and that she is satisfied with it represents a step forward.

Even so, Sabe has many steps still to take. But at least she can take them in safety and comfort, and at her own pace.


  1. Good girl! She's certainly watching you, but she's right there at the entrance of the carrier, not cowering at the back. She IS making progress! 😻

  2. We can see her eyes! I bet you are enjoying seeing bits of her more and more. Hope she truly feels more comfortable very soon.

  3. Yes, I have been wondering about Sable. May her progress continue!

  4. I am pleased Sable is making some progress, I hope it continues

  5. Thanks for the update on Sable. I was wondering how she was coming along. It sounds like she is adjusting to her new home slowly but surely and that's good news.

  6. All in good time. She clearly doesn't seem to be too concerned about a need to return to the outdoors. That seems to me a very good sign.

  7. She is a cautious sweetie but she will get there.

  8. Keep it up, Sable...you have oodles of time, no hurry!

  9. At least she can be seen so that is progress. She is older so it will take longer as she is so used to her older life.
