Saturday, November 23, 2024

The Pacifist

As I mentioned in a previous entry, I worry that Moxy and Indigo, especially the latter, are confining themselves to the bedroom. But I have noticed Moxy coming out to the sitting room on at least two occasions. Unfortunately, in both instances, he was chased and physically chastised by Brazil.

I think that Shimmer feels he has an image to uphold: he wants to be seen as a kind of top-cat. He has tried promoting this notion with Imogen and, though she will run from him if pursued, she will also turn and scream at him. It is less fear that he invokes in her than anger. And while he has tried to be the big man cat with Indigo, that does not end well for our would-be great leader. That leaves Moxy.

Though Mox came to me with a reputation for beating up on other cats, I tended to doubt it from the beginning, and nothing that has occurred since has changed my mind. Moxy has no interest in forcing his will on the group, and the few times when he has ventured too near someone like Indigo, he was whapped most vigorously for it. Moxy’s response was not one of equally vociferous defence, but of apology; he cringed and looked hurt that anyone would do such a thing to him. So Moxy seems a good candidate for Brazil’s show of strength.

If I see Moxy out and about again, I will either keep a more open eye on Brazil, or simply put him away in another room for a while. I want Moxy to know that the whole house is his, and not be frightened of going anywhere. It may take an effort to persuade Brazil to go along with this plan.


  1. I like your plan for Moxy. Hopefully he will come to learn that he can go anywhere in the Cosy Cabin (it's his home too, after all), and Brazil will learn that he has to share with the other cats.

  2. Poor Moxy, he looks such a sweet boy. For goodness sake behave yourself, Brazil!

  3. Aw, Moxy seems to be a lover, not a fighter. I hope the plan goes well. Managing kitty dynamics is not for the faint of heart.

  4. Oh, we hope this works for Moxie!!! Bonne chance!

  5. Every cat has such a distinctive personality that I'm sure it's very difficult for newcomers to try to figure out where they fit into the picture.

  6. is it that you continue these behaviors? So much time has passed; I thought you would become more realistic. If you are aggressive, it hasn't gotten you a thing. Think of that the next time you are bossy with anyone else living there. (if only he could be reasoned with!!!)

  7. I do hope that Brazil comes to realize that Moxie means him no harm. And Moxie is able to be more at home in the Cosy Cabin.

  8. Poor Moxy. I hope he learns not to let Brazil bully him.

  9. Okay you two, it's time to play nice, the love is everywhere in the cabin!
