Friday, November 24, 2023

Her Comfort

I’ve told people that cats love their routines - until they don’t. For some months, Imogen has been spending the night up near the head of the bed, curled against me. She would usually settle into her position as I was settling into mine, and remain there most, though not all, of the night. I think she enjoyed a certain security it gave her, especially since I started the night with my arm around her. She may have thought that, if another cat tried to jump onto the bed to get her, my arm would deter him.

For a week now, however, Miss Silky has been sleeping on the folded comforter at the foot of the bed. She prefers that even when it is not night-time, and she wants merely to have a snooze. Why she has varied her routine, I can’t say for certain. Who knows what goes on in a cat’s mind?

However, if I use my imagination, I could venture that it has to do with safety. Imo may feel safer now that she has established herself in the bedroom. She may no longer feel the need to stay close to me at night for protection. In other words, comfort - and the comforter is softer and thicker than the rest of the bedclothes - has superseded security in her estimation.

This may be wishful thinking. But I believe Imogen may be feeling generally safe from Brazil’s unwanted attentions. The kittens are another matter. They will climb onto the bed when Imogen is already there, but won’t bother her very much. A low growl or a hiss usually suffices for her purposes. She will even jump onto the comforter while the kittens are already on the bed.

If I am correct about the reason behind her new position, then this represents a step forward for Imo in dealing with her feelings about the other cats. I wish she had the whole apartment in which to feel safe, but that may come in time. Until then, she is finding more comfort, in more ways than one.


  1. It sounds like she is feeling a bit better though knowing Brazil is somewhere in the Cosy Apartment. Getting too cold here, do you need the comforter soon and then maybe she'll be up top with your head instead down at your feet.

  2. If my memory is correct, you said once that you thought that until Imogen came to live with you, she had been an only-cat for most of her life. If so, it's understandable that it would take her awhile to get used to a crowd. It's good to hear she has her safe-space!

  3. She's doing remarkably well. I, too, wonder if she'll snuggle up again as the temperatures drop through the winter. Derry used to do that, for the extra warmth, I think, rather than safety. Whatever her reasons, it's good that she feels safer, more content.

  4. I think you have come to the right conclusions about why she effected the change of rest and napping. I think you hit it right on the nail head. Hi Renn. Smoochies to you.

  5. It is good to read that Imogen is doing well

  6. I think you are right that Imogen is feeling more confident, and that a hiss will deter the younger cats from bothering her. She knows that Brazil is under your instruction to leave her alone.

  7. Cats...who can figure them out? Just when you think you finally understand them, things change. Imogen does seem to be standing up for herself, and she's letting the other cats know the bedroom is her territory. You go, Girl!

  8. I'm really glad to hear that sweetie is getting more cozy with her surroundings.

  9. Miss Pops would rotate her sleeping spots usually a month or two on each. I think it's a seasonal thing, as well has finding a spot that is safe and comfy with their scent on it.

  10. Sounds like progress to me. And, as you said, who knows what goes on in their minds? I sure don't!
