Tuesday, November 28, 2023

No Problems for Theodore

Theodore’s surgery went very well. As it turned out, his testicle had descended by the time of his appointment. That fortunately occurs at times with this condition, so his operation was the usual kind for a neutering.

He returned with a collar and the first minutes out of the carrier was pushing himself along the carpet, the cone on the floor and his tail between his legs. I removed the collar, his head came up, as did his tail. He of course cleaned himself off; as with Chiff just over a week ago, I watched the new patient carefully and, again just like Chiff, Theodore concentrated on washing the hospital scent from the base of his tail and his upper rear legs. It must gather there; perhaps the anal glands lend it extra pungency. In any case, any licking of the surgical spot was incidental and insignificant.

He ate a couple of small meals until snack-time and then tucked in to something larger. He played, chasing Aurora and Brazil and being chased, and tussling with his sister. There was little I could do to stop that, barring isolating him. But of course there was no damage done. I expect his recovery to be full and swift.

Undine wrote that she didn’t know a male cat could have an undescended testicle, and they are indeed uncommon, though this is the second the rescue-group has had in a couple of months. Often, though, as in Theodore’s case, time will correct the situation. In terms of effort, cost and, most importantly, inconvenience and comfort for the little fellow, all went well.


  1. Great news on Theodore. Glad to see his operation went simpler and easy.

  2. Super good news about Theodore! Very happy to read this.

  3. How fortunate that his surgery was able to be done in the usual fashion!

  4. Great news for little Theodore! It amazes me how quickly they heal. One would think if it hurt, he'd stop.

  5. I'm glad all was simple and quick for Theodore, and that he's back to his usual kitten antics. 😺

  6. Glad to read that Theodore's surgery went well and he is doing ok

  7. I am glad Theodore's surgery went well and he is feeling no ill effects.

  8. That's great news. I'm so glad things went well for Theodore.

  9. I'm glad to hear that all is okay, that's always the best news.

  10. Phew, that was better than expected!

    You can't stop a healthy kitten...whoever thought that was possible except in a cage??
