Monday, August 26, 2024

A Little Breather

Tempo’s a funny little creature. When she purrs loud and hard, which is often, she opens her mouth a bit. It’s like the extra-strength purr needs more air. I tried to record a picture of it but of course every time I attempted it, she ceased her purring and stared at me as if I were prying…

I don’t think it is a problem. Temps is active and energetic, and her play doesn’t suffer for lack of air. I will tell the veterinary about this when next I see her, but I don’t think it requires attention. It’s just another small characteristic that sets Tempo apart.


  1. Whoa! She is really giving you the stink-eye! (And looking quite beautiful doing it).

  2. I certainly hope she's fine, that this is just a peculiarity! She must have a very loud purr motor. 😻

  3. I doubt it's any problem, either. It's just one of those little cat quirks. And torties, in my experience, have plenty of them.

  4. I wouldn't think it is anything to worry about. When Flynn was really happy he would also open his mouth slightly to get louder purrs out.

  5. I agree, it doesn't seem like it's a problem with the big purrs.

  6. I agree. I don't think there is a problem, but it doesn't hurt to mention it to the vet during Tempo's next check up.

  7. I think she is just extra happy when her mouth opens a tad. You ARE getting quite the stink eye though!

  8. Don't we all get our own funny little tics or quirks. Maybe that's all this is for the sweet girl.

  9. tempo ewe bee like de lion…him openz hiz mouth and ROARZ ‼️‼️‼️‼️😺💙🐟
