Tuesday, August 16, 2022


This is one of the two new customers at Café Cosy. I am calling him Cato, and his less frequently seen white and orange friend, Cicero.

Cato is a good-looking fellow, as you can observe. I think he may need neutering, as his head is rather large, though I must admit that I am not a good judge of those clues, and his head may simply be large. He’s a golden brown tabby but gives the impression almost of being a Bengal. These pictures are from a couple of days ago, when he came by my apartment alone.

Last evening, he visited again. He moved very cautiously, perhaps unnerved by Hector’s rapt attention on the other side of the screen door. Cato seemed less bothered by my presence than by Hec’s, though the latter may have simply been foremost in his mind, perhaps as being the greater danger. He clearly doesn’t know Hector.

In any case, Cato did not eat or drink while I saw him. But I decided to leave some soft-food out when I went to bed. About ten minutes after I had retired, I heard someone eating from the bowl I had put out. The soft-food, and some of the hard, was gone in the morning. I think it was Cato.

I will endeavour to befriend him before I try capturing him, and, in any case, he has not come so often that I can leave a trap out for him, though that may change. I find it hard to believe that he is not someone’s cat; I have examined the local internet sites and groups for mention of him, but have seen no one who resembles him. He looks thin, but in good condition otherwise. If he ate of the café’s fare once, he may do so again. I hope to be there when he does.


  1. Cato looks reasonably robust and it sounds like he wasn't desperate for food, so hopefully he belongs to someone who is new in your neighborhood.

  2. I too hope Cato has a home. But if he is a stray, it's good that he now knows he can get a good meal at the Cosy Cafe.

  3. I'll echo both comments. Whatever his situation, I know you'll do what you can for him. 🙂

  4. Hopefully, Cato has a home of his own, and is just visting the Cosy Cottage. IN any case, we are glad you are looking out for him.

  5. Cato...Was'nt that Peter Sellers sidekick in the
    Pink Panther movies...!
    Let's hope he's not as agile..! :).

  6. Well, it's not really the size of the head that matters, but the other end. :)

    1. True, but a jowlly face can be indicative of a male being unneutered.

  7. I agree with your thought there. I am pretty accurate in judging whether or not I am admiring a male or a female simply by appearance..namely the head.

  8. Thank you for caring for your visitors!
    The big head is one indicator; the other is if they pee on things.

  9. He looks a handsome boy. I agree that a large head usually indicates an unneutered male.

  10. What a handsome kitty! Hope he keeps on coming to get good food and he might even get used to seeing Hector!

  11. I'm sure he'll be back, now that he realizes how good the food and the service is. :) Good luck with the operation to trap him.
