Monday, December 4, 2023

Fun With the All-Day-Sucker-Coloured Streamer!

It’s play-time with the youngsters! As readers probably know by now, Miss Chiff, Theodore, Aurora and Brazil all get along very well, chasing and wrestling, cuddling and grooming each other. But when the I bring out the streamer-stick, it’s every cat for himself!

Things start off slow but you’ll see Aurora and Brazil making good use of the nylon tunnel. Theodore is a roller, preferring to fight the streamer from the horizontal, while Chiff is a jumper. Then Brazil will hurry to the cylinder-house cat-tree, where the streamer comes to him.

I would love to see the kittens, especially, adopted soon - while they are still kittens. Their personalities have developed sufficiently to show what they will be like in adulthood, and their energy, particularly during their games of pursuit, is tremendous.

Until then, though, they will have to settle for fun in the Cosy Apartment, and the periodic battle with the all-day-sucker-coloured streamer…


  1. Much fun ensued! Amusing four young cats is a feat. Well done.

  2. All four at one time playing! How very cute. Glad you captured it to video.

  3. What fun to see a video of them all in action! I do hope "Santa" brings them all forever homes for Christmas. :-)

  4. Kitten mayhem! I'm surprised the little cuties haven't been adopted yet. But, then, I say that about all the cats...

  5. What a great video! The 4 youngsters are so cute, it's great to see them playing. I agree with Kea - Hopefully everyone will get forever homes for Christmas.

  6. Dearest John,
    Hoping they will get heir forever homes!
    They seem to be enjoying their toddler years playing around.

  7. Kittens always have so much fun and they are fun to watch too!

  8. I wonder who gets more exhausted after such energetic playing - them or you?

  9. Wow, that was FUN! ts interesting how they all have their own style of 'catch the wiggly streamer'!

  10. OH I love this! Thanks for putting it here for us to see.

  11. Matter of fact that was one of the best videos I have seen in quite a while anywhere! They were having such fun! I felt like jumping up for it too! :-)
