Sunday, December 3, 2023

The Older He Gets

I have begun giving subcutaneous fluids to Renn. He seems narrower than he had been, which was narrow enough; under his fur, his neck isn’t more than two inches wide. His fur itself is not quite as smooth and soft as it has been even recently. And he is eating and drinking less, though not, I think, dangerously so. Since he is suffering from kidney disease, and it is undoubtedly worsening with time, I thought providing him with more fluids made sense.

I have begun with 60 milliliters, thrice a week. I believe the right decision was made when I noticed the lump that the extra fluids created under the skin disappear with a couple of minutes. His body needed it. I may have to increase the number of times my big boy receives the liquid, but for now, this will suffice. He accepts it with good grace, and his skin, now rather baggy on his diminished frame, takes the needle easily.

Aging seems to provide few compensations, and those it gives are not worth the rest of the effects. But at least for my friend Renn, those effects can be mitigated a little, and he may be able to enjoy his retirement from the more active phase of feline life.


  1. It is surprising how much good a sub-Q! infusion can perk up a kitty. Purrayers and Power of the Paw to friend Renn.

  2. Old age. Nothing really good can be said for it on the overall. Except we know Renn is getting full attention in his.

    1. Nope, nothing. At least in the past, many old people were respected for their age, but even that was iffy.

  3. dood...ewe still R most handsum ...we can see that frum over heer
    in TT....we R glad ewe R taken yur fluidz like a good cat....keep up de
    good werk buddy ♥♥♥

  4. Aging is part of living but it can suck when the body ages faster then the brain

  5. Renn, I am sorry that it has come to this but grateful your Dad knows what and how to do it. Sending you love, Renn. You are loved by us here as well as at home. XX

  6. Purring for you, Renn honey.
    Now, let's discuss the term 'thrice'...😹

  7. Those SubQ fluids sure a a magic elixir.

  8. Kitty dialysis. We hope Mr Renn tolerates it and it keeps him stable for some time xxx.

  9. It's so sad when we see our pets age. But it sounds like the fluids are helping Renn and that's the important thing. Stay well, Renn!!

  10. Oh bless. It sounds like you have exactly the right plan in place for dear Renn.

  11. I am glad the fluids are helping Renn. Ageing is no fun for feline or human, but the alternative is much worse!

  12. Renn is in my thoughts and prayers. I'm glad he has you to help keep him comfortable for as long as possible.

  13. Renn is such a wonderful boy. It's a blessing that he has you to make his old age as easy as possible.

  14. Such a handsome boy! I'm sure, although he may not understand, his body is grateful for the added fluids.
