Sunday, December 17, 2023

Her Literal Comfort

Yesterday, Imogen was in a strange mood. At one point, it degenerated into a bad mood. For the first time since she decided that the bedroom would be her safe-room, Miss Silky ventured out to the dining area, jumping on the table there and over onto the micro-wave oven.

She eventually returned to the bedroom, where she gave everyone a hard time, growling and whapping at other cats even when they were quite inoffensive to her. She even expressed annoyance with me.

It wasn’t until a little later, after I saw her clawing at the uncovered blanket on the bed, that I realised the cause of her ill temper: I had removed what is left of my bedspread and the comforter’s cover, and was washing them. They, especially the latter, had become her restful place.

Once the bedclothes, newly laundered and smelling fresh, were back where they should be, Imogen’s mood returned to normal. She became calm with me and no more than ordinarily irritated with her fellow felines. Like Archie Bunker’s favourite chair, or Columbo’s rumpled raincoat, the comforter has become a literal comfort for Imogen. I dread to think of her reaction when I have to replace the well-worn, well-torn cover…


  1. You will just have to put up with the look of well used and much loved covers so Miss Silky can relax in her style. Nice to see her on top instead of a lump under.

  2. You do realize that you're probably stuck with that cover forever?

  3. Oh my, don't mess with the girls safe and cozy spot!

  4. Hopefully the cover won't have to be replaced anytime soon. Until then you have a little time to figure out how you're going to deal with Imogen's upcoming temper tantrum.

  5. Ditto, I think you had best hang onto the cover. 😁

  6. Imogen is clearly a creature of habit. You'll have to hold onto that cover, perhaps with a smaller blanket. I wonder if she'd realize?

  7. Just when that time unfortunately comes, leave the cover out but folded over a bit...for her to rest on while on the bed. I had to do that with Robin. She can have that while everyone else is all over the bedspread.

  8. MOL! Some good advice here. Easing the old comforter out when the time comes sounds like the best plan ;)
    Purrs, Winnie

  9. Glad you were able to decipher why Imogen was in a snit !

  10. It is good you discovered what was wrong with Imogen and was able to fix the problem.
