Wednesday, April 3, 2024

A Breathing Space

There hasn’t been much happening in the Cosy Apartment lately, so I haven’t published a new blog-entry in about a week. Right now, there is stability.

Brazil appears to be over his troubles. He is eating well - not ravenously, but decently - and his litter-box visits are satisfactory. The hairball medicine I gave him seemed to be successful in dislodging anything waiting to come out from his intestines. The results were quite soft, and lasted for several days. But this morning, he pooped and, while the deposit was a little too hard for my liking, it, similar to what is happening at his other end, is satisfactory.

Renn, for his part, is doing well. He is eating - principally Recovery, which is fine with me: plenty of nutrients and easy for him to lick up in good quantities, though expensive - and each day, I am giving him one and a half units of anti-inflammatory medicine, for his bladder. Previously, it was three, and I disliked the effect that was having on his kidneys. At half the original dose, he is nonetheless visiting the litter-box less often than when he started taking the medicine, and the amounts he is wetting are adequate. The open question is whether he is still losing weight. I will get him weighed soon to answer it.

Several readers have asked about any new cats coming in. I have been holding off on that until Brazil and Renn were in better condition. That seems to have been achieved. I will look to welcoming a new foster-cat in the next week or two.

And lastly, I need to buy a new nylon tunnel. The old one is coming apart, and not just at the seams. Brazil appears to be embarrassed to be seen with it…


  1. You know these youngsters! Not much respect for the old and venerable.

  2. We will purr that things remain on good footing.

  3. As they say, "No news is good news," especially when you have a household of cats. May such stability continue.

  4. Good news on the home front. This makes for less stress and worry. And we'll be keeping any eye out for a new boarder.

  5. It seems that things are back to normal, and that's good news. Fingers and paws crossed that all the kitties continue to do well. I'll look forward to hearing about any new fosters that take up residence in the Cosy Apartment.

  6. I'm happy to hear that the members of the Cosy Apartment are stable. Renn and Brazil are fortunate to be living with you and being so well taken care of.
    That tunnel has certainly been well-loved and enjoyed!

  7. It is so wonderful to have a break when the kitties are all doing okay.

  8. Good to know things are calm at your den, the only problem being the ratty tunnel, LOL!

  9. guyz..stable iz good, spesh a lee when ya wanna jump frum de kitshun
    tay bull, two de window sill, two de ree clinerz chair, and over on ta de
    end tay bull ! N dood, noe knead ta bee embarrassed, eye think yur
    tunnelz prette awesum….butt… mite think diffrunt 🐟😺💙‼️
