Sunday, April 7, 2024

At Last, a Newcomer

This is my new guest. I have named him Iago. I don’t know for certain that he is male, really, but he looks like one. He was found wandering a park in my town. Nothing has been seen regarding him on local lost-and-found sites, though I will keep looking for a while. It is likely that, as with many strays, he was abandoned when his family moved.

He is socialised, but frightened. He started, as most do in the Cosy Apartment, in the bathroom, where he hid behind the toilet and turned his head away. But he allowed me to pet him, which caused him at least to turn about, and, eventually, to come further out of hiding. After a couple of hours, he used the litter-box, which is a newcomer’s ticket to the library, where there are better hiding spots – as well as a window, a comfy couch and high spots on which to lie.

Iago has also eaten. That and using the litter-box are always the two big worries with newcomers. The trauma of being captured or shifted about from one place to another, from human to human, can lead to reluctance to do what is in their best interests. But we needn’t worry about that now. This fellow clearly had a home and people who interacted with him at some point. Soon, he will graduate from scared to timid, and then I will start to come to know him. For now, he can relax without pressure in the library, and hopefully enjoy a good night’s sleep.


  1. It sounds like Iago is settling in. I love the bottom picture - he's so cute! Do you have any idea how old he is? He looks quite young.

    1. He does have a young face, but I don't know his age. That and other facts will be revealed during his veterinary visit, probably this week.

  2. Dearest John,
    Woke up and opened my MacBook...
    What a fate for so many kitties and puppies to be abandoned by irresponsible humans.
    It breaks one's heart to see them hide...
    Good luck!
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. He has a sweet face. It is good that he already allows you to pet him.

  4. Ah! Bless him..!x
    And...He's got a lovely little face to..! :).

  5. Well, won't Katie Isabella be happy to see a tuxedo kitty in your Cosy Apartment. Iago looks so clean and well fed. If he did have a former human family, it is always a shame they abandon their pets due to circumstances we do not know. Hope he becomes a friend to Brazil one day soon.

  6. Oh oh OH!
    What a cutie pie, and the wee poor thing now is in the bestest place EVER for a rosy future.

  7. What a sweet face! I thought of Katie and Carole too, they will indeed be glad to see a tuxie. I hope he's soon relaxed and settled in, and that all goes well with his vet check.

  8. Such a little cutie! He does look quite young; with any luck, Brazil might be getting a new friend.

  9. Such a cute tuxedo lad. Having landed on his feet, I am sure he will prosper with your kind ministrations.

  10. Such a handsome boy. I like the name.

  11. Wow, I miss a few days, and then there is a newbie!! Such a sweet kitty so to see him/her.

    He soon will figure out that life will be great again.
    So sad that people just leave their pets to fend for themselves.

  12. Awww what a handsome young fellow.

  13. Lucky Iago to find his way to you. It is so frustrating when a cat who was clearly in a home is abandoned. Handsome boy, I suspect once he comes around and less fearful, he'll be adopted soon after.
