Saturday, April 6, 2024


Part two of things I haven’t known about Imogen…

I have noted Brazil’s behaviour toward Imo in the past. He sometimes rushes at her and there have been times when they’ve contacted, resulting in bits of black fur being pulled out. I have seen at least one instance. Fortunately, this happens rarely now, though I am always on the watch for it.

Yet Brazil is not always at fault. Miss Silky has frequently hissed at Shimmer when the latter has clearly no intention of running at her. And yesterday, I witnessed something more provocative on the part of the Cosy Apartment’s sole female resident.

I saw her observe Brazil in the storeroom, using a litter-box. Imo quickly ran and placed herself behind the door to the storeroom. I was ready for trouble, but let things proceed, as I didn’t think anything physical would occur. When Brazil came out, Imogen flattened her ears and hissed at him. Brazil froze, but I broke up the scene before more could transpire.

It’s bad enough when Brazil starts something. Now, Imo seems to be to blame at least now and then. It’s tough when the children don’t behave.


  1. HaHa! You'll just have to sit them both down
    John...and give them a 'good' 'stiff' talking to...!

  2. I only had the pleasure of having two cats at one time years ago when Seney came to live with us the last 15 months of Peepers life. But she was a kitten and Peepers had been a mother 2 times so all was well. I am not sure if Brazil and Imogen are really any different in their reaction to each other than other multi-cat homes. Personally, I'd like to have a play mate for Precious, but that isn't going to happen.

  3. Yes...she is administering payback it seems. It isn't funny, but I will admit I had a faint smile. Only because every fur should stand up for him/herself. :-) Children! Behave!

  4. They both look like naughty kids who've been sent to stand in the corner.

  5. sauce and tuna used to take turns ambushing each other
    when one was finished at the box !! :) ♥ walls make great
    hiding spots ...go figure :)

  6. There is always at least one troublemaker.

  7. Imogen sounds like the child that antagonizes the sibling and tries to say the other started it.
