Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Enemy Hers

Indigo plays with a string-toy now and then, but, to be honest, I don’t know if she’s playing. From her actions and sounds, she may be highly annoyed at the toy, at my attempts to have fun with her and with me in general. She may be heard in this video giving the toy what-for, though I don’t know if it’s part of her playing or if she’s in earnest.

Either way, unfortunately for Indie, it’s entertaining for us humans. (I should add that she is perfectly friendly and purrful with me. She reserves her enmity - either real or pretended - for the toy.)


  1. That's too cute and very expressive too!

  2. Who gets the most enjoyment, us humans or the kitties.

  3. Well, she certainly taught that toy a lesson it'll never forget.

  4. mackerull’s at the window wondering where the cat is 😺😺😺‼️

  5. Best laughing and smiles I have had yet today! LOVED this, Hope you post more of her playing for I believe that is just what she is doing. Her relaxed pose on her back and not moving except to kill that toy says it all. LOVED it.

  6. That toy certainly knows what she thinks of it!

  7. The poor toy didn't stand a chance.

  8. HaHa! Go for it Indigo..Give it some 'welly'...
    Bless..! :O)x

  9. Either way, someone is having fun...and I think it may be both of you.
