Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Newest Oldest

Neville hasn’t been featured in my blog for a while. He is now my oldest cat, at fifteen and a half. I thought for a day or so that I would have good news to report on his behalf. I took a blood-glucose reading from him and it read 17.6, which would represent a decent dip from his regularly high number. Unfortunately, last night’s reading was almost 20.

Because insulin doesn’t work its magic on Nev’s diabetes any more, his numbers are usually around 20 or 21. It is not healthy for him, but I have tried different amounts, different kinds of insulin, and nothing works. I thought that it might be achieving some results, to an extent, once more, but that is not the case. His numbers do fluctuate, I think, but not according to the insulin he receives.

However, my grey lion goes on. I don’t know that he’s a particularly happy fellow; I think supreme joy for Neville would comprise being completely alone - no people, no cats - in a pleasantly warm and soft environment, with food periodically appearing before him. But now and then, he asks for chin-rubs. I try to give them to him whenever he wants, simply because he asks for so little, and so little seems to delight him.

He is too fat, his fur is too coarse, and every second time he poops, I have to clean his bum, because he doesn’t groom himself anymore. But the Nevsky is part of the Cosy Apartment; we put up with each other and that may bring him as much contentment as he will have in this world.

I do enjoy his perpetually half-worried, half-wary expression, though…


  1. Nev is your "little old man" and lives a such. He has a wonderful home and if he gets some peace and quiet from the youngsters, he is doing good. I am sorry his diabetes is not really controllable.

  2. Good old Neville. I hope he's happier than you think he is. That look on his face could be misleading. :)

  3. Aww, The Nevsky is one dapper dude...at least from the front.

  4. dood…ewe iz a young sturr at ❤️ heart and lookin good…eye purrson a lee due knot think ewe iz f.a.t., N if dad thinkz ta put ewe on a d.i.e.t,
    lemme noe and ewe will sneek ewe sum f.i.z.h ‼️💙😺🐟

  5. I do hope Nev is with you for a long time yet. He's fortunate to have you to care for him, whatever that may take.

  6. None of us can give our fur family the "perfect" life, and you have given Neville enough: the very best of care possible, warmth, food, and most of all, love.

  7. I think Nev just has a permanently worried expression, and is probably a lot more content than he would have you believe.

  8. Neville, you don't look a day over 5.

  9. As our cats grow old (and we do too) we both settle in to our acceptance of the toll being taken on each of us. But we humans have a sense of time that the kitties are, apparently, spared.

  10. I think Neville has the perfect life living at the Cosy Apartment. His needs are met, he has an owner who understands him, and most of all, he is loved.

  11. Neville is just glad he wakes up after a nap because some old cats don't

  12. Roberta took the words right out of my mind. I agree 100% with her.

  13. He really is handsome and he looks pretty happy to me.

  14. As l've said many times before....
    "I love him to bits"....You hang in there Bro...
    You hang in there...
    And he's still a gentleman, and a scholar.......
    Bless him...!x

  15. Mr Neville looks like an old grey lion. You keep giving him all the chin rubs.
