Sunday, August 25, 2024

I Should Buy a Lottery Ticket

Neville gave me a gift early this morning. He threw up. That wasn’t the gift.

I have a number of cardboard half-cartons, the kind that Fancy Feast and other tinned cat-food come in. They were handy for keeping around the house for when Renn vomited. My big boy always gave me plenty of time to find one (they were scattered about the apartment) and put it under his head to catch any debris. Neville, who throws up much less often than his brother did, nonetheless chucks some up now and then, and is too quick on the draw for me to get to him in time, especially if I am in bed when it occurs. Even so, I still have these semi-boxes lying around, as the younger cats enjoy playing in or about them.

This morning, I heard someone throwing up. I guessed it was not Indigo, and all the others but the Nevsky were in the bedroom. When I eventually rose, I went searching for the results of Nev’s efforts. I found them in one of the shallow boxes. Everything that had come up was neatly deposited in its confines.

This has never happened before, and likely won’t again: a million to one chance.

I should buy a lottery ticket.


  1. You should! That would make the rest of my year if it ever happened here!!! Good on you Neville, you handsome boy you!

  2. What a thoughtful boy!! Now if he could just learn to clean the litter box...

  3. Good boy, Neville! I'm impressed by your aim!

  4. Well done, Neville! Definitely buy a lotto ticket!

  5. Sweet boy and he looks it too. He deserves a reward.

  6. Actually, vomiting in a place that is easy to clean up is against the Cat Code; someone from the Feline Overlord Association will be by soon to have a chat with Nevsky.

  7. Perhaps Nev has decided what is good for Renn, is good for him? Though a lottery ticket might be a good idea.
