Thursday, August 1, 2024

Further Up

Tempo is almost back to normal, which is a relief for me. I was greatly worried that, as a result of her operation, she would stop eating, and she did, briefly. But unlike the recent episode when she lost all interest in food, this one seemed directly linked to the drugs she had to have for her surgery. Once the medicine had made its way through her system, she recovered her desire to eat. It is not back to where it had been, but it is a good amount, and I suspect it will improve further.

She and Brazil are playing again. I would like her to give her wound more time to heal but, when it comes to cats, especially kittens, such a decision is not up to humans. I am examining her abdomen repeatedly, and it still looks good. Furthermore, I have noticed Shimmer grooming Temps. Her reaction is one of bemusement; I don’t know that she understands what he is doing. Nonetheless, it is a step forward for both of them and their relationship.

On the other hand, Indigo is still chasing Tempo out of the library - and Tempo is still going into the library…


  1. That's great news about Tempo. No, there's no controlling felines, especially young ones. Lol. Even if Indigo wishes otherwise....

  2. I see the cutie peeking out from under the carpet. Nice that Tempo and Brazil are getting along so well. I am sure he is enjoying friendly company.

  3. I am glad she is doing well, and that she and Brazil are playing. He needs a playmate.

  4. I'm happy to hear that Tempo is doing better, and that she and Brazil have become such buddies.

    Although, when you tell a story like that about Indigo, I mentally hear her name as "Indignant"...

  5. Some good news here, it is good that Tempo and Brazil are getting along and she has recovered from her surgery

  6. Sounds like things are back to normal, even the crazy things!

  7. It does seem that things are back to normal at the Cosy Apartment. Mayhem and mischief have returned.

  8. I didn't expect that budding friendship between she and Brazil but I think it's wonderful!
