Friday, August 9, 2024

How It Begins

This is how the destruction of a bedspread begins. I’ve tried to limit the cats’ rough-housing on the bed, and when we play there, I pull up the comforter; it’s pretty ragged as it is. But this may not have been due to fun and games. A cat lost its purchase when she jumped up; another one was scared and jumped down; when scratching, a third’s claw was caught in the fabric. The possibilities are many.

I used to blame such tears on poor old Renn. He couldn’t walk all that well at the end, and sometimes had to adjust his position with his claws. Before that, when he still jumped, he would seize the bedspread for support. But he is no longer here to blame, my big boy - and he always used the stairs anyway, in his last year.

While the identity of the bedspread’s assailant remains a mystery, the first unravelling of the skein remains. This is how it begins. It will end with another bedspread…


  1. Ahh, but a worthy sacrifice to our feline overlords.

  2. How about a throw over the bed? I had mine covered, and couch too. Thrift stores are great for blankets and throws, if you aren't in a rush to find the colour you want. 🙂

    1. I've always thought they were too much like leaving clothes lying about or the bed unmade. I'ma victim of my own fastidiousness.

  3. When the time comes, let the cats buy the new bedspread. Put them to work. Perhaps you could loan them to someone who has a rodent problem.

  4. My Aunt Mernie told of how sick she got of mopping up spots on the floor from my Uncle Art. Then Uncle Art died. And she found there were still spots on the floor.

  5. Oh yea, some of the younger ones here are rough on those things.

  6. Attorney Foley Monster says your evidence is circumstantial at best

    1. I know. I'll have to come up with something more documentary; maybe a video...

  7. With that many cars, I am surprised any fabric cover lasts. I would be resigned to a new cover every 6 months.

  8. Eric was our culprit. Flynn was very agile, but Eric used to scrabble his way up the side of the bed.

  9. I have non-tempting spreads. Smoother surface except my room does have a crochet spread. However its surface is not appealing to her. If it was, I would put the smooth one on.

  10. With that many sets of kitty claws in the house it is no wonder the bedspread ends up a little bit on the worn side, lol. Good luck finding one you like when it is time to finally go shopping.

  11. I'm starting the New Bedspread Countdown...

  12. My daughter and I were just talking about the destruction a cat or cats can cause, especially to furniture. Clothing and bedding are fair game too.
