Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Watching Zofia

Watching Zofia play with Hector has reinforced in me the conviction that kittens need companionship. I certainly don’t mean to denigrate those who adopt just one kitten; any good, loving home is a victory for a cat, no matter its age. But if adopted alone, a kitten must have a great deal of attention from its people, and endless opportunities for play.

With a playmate, that situation pretty much takes care of itself. That’s not to imply that human companionship for the kitten - for any cat - isn’t necessary. It is. I pet, stroke, pick up and talk to little Miss Zed all the time; I suspect too often and too much for her liking, but I think the more familiar she is with the ways of humans the better.

But it is feline fraternisation that a kitten requires. It needn’t even be friendship; playing is, I think, the most important element of a kitten’s relationship with another cat, but grooming and cuddling together come tied as very close seconds. A kitten is still an immature cat, and longs for the closeness that its mother would naturally give it, if the family stayed together.

I don’t think it is just the burning of energy that is significant in play-time. Certainly they can, and do, expend tremendous amount of energy all on their own. But playing is learning, just as with human children. I haven’t had the experience with kittens that others have had, but I’ve watched the ones who have lived with me. I’ve seen kittens learning to be cats: stalking, fighting, carrying, hitting, protecting. These characteristics may not be as useful to a domesticate house-cat as to a feral feline but, like a person’s individuality when living in a community, they contribute to a strong and healthy creature.

Playing builds confidence in a cat. If playmates are equal, a cat develops its cunning, speed, agility and close-quarter combat skills against an opponent who is doing the same. If one is older, what it can teach the younger is invaluable, and it provides a feeling of safety that only another of the same species can give.

I was lucky with my first pair of kittens, Oleo and Bisto. They were adopted together, two brothers who’d known each other from birth, playmates and friends. I would like to see Zofia stay with Hector, but in truth that is neither necessary nor - to be realistic - likely. But the rescue-group is fully aware of what Zo needs, and when she is adopted, she will go to as perfect a home as can be found for her. Then others will have the delight of watching Zofia.


  1. That precious little face; and you captured those green eyes looking sideways..and making it an even more striking picture than ordinarily. I hope with all my heart that she gets to be with another kitten or even an older cat. She is just so fortunate a girl right now in the Cozy Apartment.

  2. Zofia looks so cute and startled in the 2nd photo. Just knowing she and Hector get along so well would be the great reason for someone to adopt them together if their home life can handle 2-fur-one. In the mean time, you get to enjoy the antics of both.

  3. That face! I assume this means her recuperation from surgery is still going well.

    1. Yes, Zo is fully recovered; everything went perfectly.

  4. I adore Zofia, who could resist her? That last photo is a heart-melter. I hope she finds her forever home, but oh, I will miss seeing her sweet face when she does.

  5. Right now I just so glad she has Hector and really all the others do in their way contribute to her growth from kitten to cat, and of course the one other added benefit is you!

  6. You're absolutely correct, John. Kittens need the companionship of other cats. That's how they learn proper cat behavior. And of course they also need human companionship. Looking at the picture of Zofia and Hector, I don't understand how anyone wouldn't want to adopt both of them. They're bonded and it would be such a shame to separate them.

  7. Yes, the kittens need to learn and a role model is nice.

  8. I am glad my boys that just turned one have each other. They get wild.

  9. Zofia is indeed cute! Those two make a nice pair and it would be nice if they could go together. I just purr they get loving homes :)
    Purrs, Julie

  10. Aww, how nice that Zofia has a playmate and role model!

  11. Yes, cats do need a role model and Hector is teaching Miss Zofia very well.I do hope someone will adopt them together. She looks so cute in the second photo, almost cartoon like.

  12. I sure hope Hector and Zofia will find a home as a 'matched set'. What could be more 'purr-fect'!
    But like you say...who knows! Too bad we don't live anywhere near you...
    I always loved watching my oldster, Groucho, mentoring the three,(Simba, Suki and Toki), kittens that came into his long life.

  13. Lovely photos, especially with those two posing on the chair. It would be a dream come true if they were adopted together!
