Saturday, February 17, 2024

A Little Inactivity

With Aurora in her new home, it’s time to look at the other residents of the Cosy Apartment, specifically Neville.

The Nevsky is still sporting a small swelling on his lower lip. The injectable anti-biotic did not have an effect on it. Unlike the previous anti-biotic, it did not remove his appetite or give him diarrhea, though it caused him to throw up after a couple of days. I administered some Cerenia, and that calmed Nev’s stomach. It could not, however, force the anti-biotic to do what it would not. The swelling is the result of something that is resistant to anti-biotics, or which is not caused by bacteria.

I wonder if there is a connection between the swelling on Nevill’s lip and the flattish lump on his flank. The veterinary offered to perform a biopsy on the swelling, but if it is cancerous, then there is a danger similar to conducting a biopsy on the lump: that the procedure would spread cancerous cells.

I will consult further with the doctor next week, but for now, there is nothing to be done for my grey lion but to let things be. The swelling is not hurting Neville. He doesn’t paw or scratch at it, shake his head or roll on it. If it is indicative of a tumour, there would be little to be done anyway for a diabetic cat (for whom insulin is ineffective) now in what I think is his fifteenth year.

As long as he is enjoying his life - well, it’s Neville, so… As long as he is not disliking his life too much, I will let things go unchallenged for now, while continuing to observe and discuss the situation. Nev seems content with my decision.


  1. I actually think it's amazing that Neville had lived to this age, considering his health issues. I hope he's with you for a long time yet, but "healthy" enough that he is comfortable. Cats are so good at hiding pain, though. I know he's in good hands, he couldn't ask for a better human caretaker.

  2. Neville is a survivor that's for sure, hope he is around for a while to come

  3. Poor Nev. I'll be anxious to hear what the vet has to say when you consult with him next week. Meanwhile paws and fingers crossed that you'll get a good report.

  4. Poor Neville. I hope he heals soon.

  5. Yes, there's a lot to be said for just being happy, right Neville?

  6. Dearest John,
    Our Angel Sacha had such a swelling on her lip and guess what our late Vet Robert said? Change her eating bowls, it ought not be something synthetic. So we switched to porcelain and that was it.
    Good luck with his other swelling!
    Mariette + Kitties

    1. When my Ernie got a rash on his chin, I was told the same thing. His wet food was put on porcelain dishes, but the dry was in a plastic bowl. I got rid of the plastic, and it worked! You wouldn't think that would make any difference, but sometimes it does.

  7. Sending purrayers and POTP to Neville (and you) . Sometimes the Hippocratic Oath "First do no harm." includes leaving things just be.

  8. We are all purring that you are not disliking your life too much, Nevsky.

  9. Please give Mr Neville pats from me, and tell him that I love him and hope he continues to feel good xxx

  10. I agree with letting Nev be. There comes a time when procedures do more harm than good. I hope he continues to not dislike his life and the swelling causes no problems.

  11. Neville is one of those cats that has many misfortunes that he seems to survive each one so bravely I do wish him lots of comfort and longer life of course.

  12. neville we az all wayz send de blessingz oh st francis yur way, purrhapz
    a slice oh perch held two yur lip for bout 10 minits wood... help that
    swellin, then, ewe can N joy LUNCH BRAKE rite then & ther ♥♥

  13. I do hope the swelling goes down on its own. Poor Nev, his multiple health issues are more than any cat should have to endure.
