Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The Hero and the Hospital

Today, Neville travelled back to the hospital, albeit briefly. He went only to receive an anti-biotic injection to combat the swelling on his lip. My lion handled the procedure well; he becomes much more upset about having to take medicine orally than he does about a journey to the hospital, similar to Sweetie, one of the Eastside Cats. The swelling is not bothering the Nevsky, but with his history of bad infections in the jaw or mouth, it’s best to tackle this one while it is small.

Once Nev returned home, he found a favourite spot on the bed and lie down. In a few minutes, he was purring. Though he was probably just pleased to be home again, it may be that he believes he’s defeated once again whatever nefarious purpose his human has in taking him to the House of Ill Stinks.

Who am I to crush his heroic day-dreams?


  1. Wishing Neville a good recovery!
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Here's hoping Nev will soon be well.

  3. Bless the 'little' fella...love him to bits...!x

  4. I hope the injection works well on reducing the swelling. He looks quite relaxed after his visit to the vet.

  5. I sure do hope this medicine starts to work quickly and this gets over for Neville. It's no fun for the humans to go to the doctor and it's no fun for the pets to go to the doctor.

  6. I'm glad it was a quick vet trip and am sending Neville healing thoughts and energy. ❤️

  7. Neville...thank goodness that's over!

  8. You are a hero, Neville. Be well!

  9. Okay, Neville...use your superpowers to get yourself healed now!

  10. Neville is a hero! Hopefully his stomach issues are over, with this new antibiotic on board.

  11. Good on you Mr Neville. Enjoy your naps.

  12. I'm glad the handsome hero handled the visit well.

  13. I sure hope that medicine helps Nevill get rid of said infection. And hopefully no more upchucking or loose deposits!
