Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Return to Normal

Tempo appears to be over whatever was ailing her. She ate some Fancy Feast last night, of her own volition. This morning, she ate all of the portion given to her, and wanted more. When she ate as much as she liked, she hurried off to see what was out the window. So far as I can discover, everything she consumed stayed down.

Even last night, I could tell from her posture and behaviour that she was feeling better. When she was refusing to eat, she sat hunched up much of the time. She still ran about and looked out windows, but the way she sat was unusual. But last night, she stretched herself out, and fell asleep easily. This morning, she was playful, and I think she and Brazil were chasing each other. In one moment, Shimmer ran into the sitting room and looked around, searching for Tempo. That little one then leaped out of the nylon tunnel at him. I hope that playfulness continues.

I don’t know what caused Temp’s episode, though, considering the ruckus she made all the way to the veterinary hospital last week, it may have been stress. Then again, it may have been a reaction to her vaccination. I believe that the Cerenia I gave her helped a great deal in soothing her. She must go back for her booster shots, and her spay, so I hope that history doesn’t repeat itself.

I would like to thank everyone for their kind thoughts regarding Temp’s health, and also all the condolences sent this way after Renn died. I know he was a favourite for a lot of his readers, and it meant a great deal to hear from everyone. Thank you.


  1. That's such a relief! I had forgotten that she was getting vaccinated, so you may be right in theorizing that she had an "off" reaction to the shots. I'm also pleased to hear that she and Brazil may be becoming friends!

  2. YAY !!! eye am buzzed happee for ewe tempo :) glad what ever it waz that waz given ewe fitz iz gone and hope full lee never ree ternz :) and way awesum ewe haz sum one ta play with :) ♥♥!!

  3. This is great news! I'm so happy to hear that whatever was ailing Tempo has passed and things are back to normal.

  4. I'm very relieved she's back to normal, I was worried about her, imagining worst case scenarios. Whew. Fingers crossed this doesn't happen again!

  5. I sure am glad to hear Tempo and normal in the same post, that's great!

  6. I see she is trying to talk to you in the photo taken. Probably saying that all this worry was just to make yourself sick, not her!

  7. I am very much relieved that she is back to her usual self. It is so hard on us when one of our cats is ill and we just don't know what the matter is. For me, it would be very scary.

  8. That is some good news, I hope she continues on this path

  9. You'll always receive our hugs and purrs for Angel Renn.
    Tempo appears to have a few opinions to share!

  10. I'm pleased that her appetite returned. You need some good news, I am sure you miss Mr Renn greatly.

  11. So glad to hear that Tempo is feeling some better. I do hope it was merely stress, and her next visit to the vet won't cause such a reaction.
    You've given us such a great understanding of your cats through your writing, that I know we feel we've met Renn and all the others. He will be missed.
