Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Fourteen Years

Renn died this morning, at 9.53.

A mass had grown up, very rapidly against or in his intestines, and was blocking food from getting through. The huge abdomen that Renn had developed was the body trying to deal with the blockage. He was, the veterinary doctor stated, in pain. He no longer feels that pain.

Renn was the last of the First Four; his death means the end of an era. He knew every cat I had, from the first to the last. It will take a while to write his memorial article, as his time with me comprises a great many memories. He was my constant companion, sleeping on my bed each night, and, until recently, keeping me company at bath-time. He was with me for fourteen years, and it will now be difficult not to have him with me for even a day, my big boy.


  1. Sending love, understanding, and comfort to you. And all of us here will know the awful pain of not having him with you.

    Renn, you were loved so much... and always. You knew that. It was as evident to you each moment of each day that you were at home with your Dad. One of the comforting things for we cat guardians is knowing that our little ones have never failed to feel our love and happiness toward them. Unswervingly. They see it in our eyes when we gaze at them each time. They hear it in our voices when we speak to them. You , John, made his and all their lives so good.

  2. Oh dear, I sure wasn't expecting to see that new and I'm so very sorry for the loss of dear Renn. He was certainly a favorite for us to see. Run free dear one, you've totally earned it. You'll be loved and remembered forever.

  3. Oh John. I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear about Renn. You loved Renn very much and he loved you. You took such great care of him and you had many wonderful years together. He will always remain in your heart and in the hearts of those of us who read your blog. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  4. Farewell, Angel Renn.
    It's too sad; hugs and purrs, John.

  5. I'm so very sorry. It is always Too Soon.

  6. Rest easy sir Renn. You will miss your buddy, and we are sorry for his passing xxx

  7. We are so sorry you have lost your friend, John. Sending gentle purrs and prayers as you miss your beloved Renn.

    Fly free, dear Renn. You will be remembered and loved forever.

  8. Such awful news. I am so sorry for the loss of your handsome boy. XO

  9. I am so sorry, John. You gave him a wonderful life and loved him and he knew it. He is now pain free and at peace. I hope you can take some consolation knowing that. Farewell dear boy.

  10. Ah! Bless!x We will miss the little fella John...
    But! You will miss him most of all of course...
    Lot of years and a lot of memories to think
    back on to...
    I'll get an extra box of tissues ready for his
    memorial...! :(.

  11. John, sorry to read that you lost your Renn but it is important that he no longer is in pain...
    Mariette + Kitties

  12. John, I'm so sorry for Renn's passing. Fourteen years or forty, it's never enough time.

    I will miss him.

    Wishing you comfort and peace.

  13. I am so very sorry for your loss and my heart goes out to you. Huge hugs♥

  14. How you miss this boy is unspeakable. I am so sorry he was in pain but now he has been relieved. He stood by you as you brought so many other cats into your home until they found other homes of their own. Your memories will never fade. Lynn

  15. From your last post about Renn, I feared he was about to go to a better world. I'm so sorry. It's particularly painful to lose a cat when they've been your companion for many years. It creates an empty space within every day that takes some time to adjust to.

    Renn was a wonderful personality, and I know how much he meant to you, but he's safe from all pain and worry now. He was loved by me and all your other blog readers, as well.

  16. Insert sad face here. I'm sorry for your loss and I will miss him (hearing about him) also.

  17. we lovez ewe renn, and will never forget ewe. we noe how hard thiz iz
    for dad, and the days ahead will bee ruff. ewe were the last of the original cast and crew, and that somehow makes it that much harder to bear. we due knot bee leeve in sayin good bye….just…..see ewe again
    sum day . 💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚

    dude, boomer, dai$y, tuna, sauce, N mackerull

  18. This is such devastating news. I know how hard this must be to lose a precious family member. I'm glad Renn is no longer hurting but we will miss him.
    Please be kind to yourself. You are one of the best cat dad's. Renn was so loved by you and all of us in blogland.
    My sincere condolences to you, John.

  19. we are so sorry fur your loss. we know what you are feeling, we have been there ourselves. sending deep purrzz.....

  20. So very sorry for your loss. May the passage of time console your heart in place of current sorrows. Sending gentle thoughts of comfort. 💔

  21. Safe travels kit-cat. Peace to those that love you,

  22. We are so sorry to read this - but know that he is pain-free again. In many ways he will never leave you.

  23. Such sad news, but we don't like to see our beloved pets in pain and he was in pain, he will be missed but will forever be in your heart and memories.

  24. I am sorry to hear Renn has passed, he looks a fine cat and a wonderful friend. I know you said goodbye even though you didn't really want to and it must have been hard. I am sorry.

    Marjorie and Toulouse

  25. My sincere sympathies John, on Renn's passing. He will be missed greatly by you, and all who have read of his time with you.
    I'm grateful his pain is over. May your memories of your sweet boy bring comfort.

  26. My heart aches for you. Hugs and best wishes to you and yours.

  27. Somehow,I thought I had commented here...
    Anyways, My deepest sympathy to you on the loss of your beloved and precious Renn.

  28. We saw on Ellen's blog, that your beautiful boy had departed for the Rainbow Bridge. We are so furry sorry for your loss. We are certain you will meet again. Meanwhile, fly free, Angel Renn, safe in the Loving Paw of the Great Cat in the Sky.

  29. So sorry for the loss of your beloved Renn. Fly free beautiful Soul✨
    Soft Pawkisses to comfort you🐾😽💞
