Monday, July 8, 2024

The Heat Is On

Tempo sounds to be in heat. She spent most of last night crying. I drifted off regardless of her noise about one o’clock. She woke me twice thereafter. I am tired. But I will likely stay awake to hear all of her wailings tonight, too. The veterinary hospital is down to one doctor at the moment, so surgeries are going to be backed up. Fortunately, this stage of the cycle probably won’t last for more than a few days. And nights.


  1. Oh no, but I was expecting that to soon happen

  2. Ooh boy. I hope you can get her in sooner than later!

  3. What it is like to be a father of a crying baby. No sleep for you.

  4. Tempo, you won't miss this when you've been spayed, we promise.

  5. tempo…dad kneadz sum sleep at nite…leest 47 minitz …sew try and bee
    good….ore cree ate an art peace with that awesum box 😺🐟💙‼️

  6. Oh my, that's not a fun time for her and all of you.

  7. The downside to being a little girlcat...I hope you can get a vet visit in soon.

  8. Oh gosh...dang that's bad. Feel badly for both of you.

  9. I think it is wonderful you have such patience to deal with all these kitties who need your love and patience
