Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Small Adventures

Yesterday, I continued Imogen’s process of integration. I decided against Zofia’s participation this time, locking her in the bedroom with a litter-box. She was snoozing, anyway.

The boys were sleeping in the sitting room, but Imogen never saw them. I imagine that she assumes there to be only one other cat in the apartment aside from herself. I hope meeting Renn and Neville won’t be too much of a shock for her. In favour of an easy encounter is the fact that the boys are oldsters who, while they would prefer not to be troubled by newcomers, themselves do not cause trouble.

This day, however, Imogen didn’t venture beyond the corridor and the bathroom. Very nervous, she slinked about, smelling various corners and objects. She may have scented the boys that way, though she might think that they are old signs. In any case, she remained close to the library, indicating the importance of a safe-room for a new cat.

Also indicated, though, was how quickly Imogen can trust a human. While I was trying to urge her to more expansive explorations, she stayed by me, rubbing up against me, arching her back for pets, and generally viewing me as some form of protection. This, though we had met only last week, and under less than friendly conditions. If her anxiety over her new surroundings presage a very gradual integration into the Cosy Apartment’s society, then her attitude toward me suggests that an adoption by another human would not require the adjustment that some cats need.


  1. Earlier, you commented that you think Imogen may have been an "only cat" for all her life. That would make sense, since, fortunately, she seems willing to trust humans. Other cats are possibly a weird alien species to her!

    1. Much of the time, they are a weird, alien species to me, too…

  2. It is good that she sees you as a friend and protector. Maybe Zofia's reaction to her is because she sees her as taking Hector's place. Also, over the years I have found that unless related females take a lot more to adjust to each other. I never had that problem with males though.

    1. I think you are right. The more difficult integrations I’ve had, and ones that have lasting - though decreasing - trouble, have been between females: Tungsten/Josie; Tungsten/Wixie; Tungsten/Cammie; Josie/Cammie… The males can be troublesome, but it’s usually mischief - at least as the mischief-maker sees it - rather than hostility.

  3. Oh, well baby steps in the mostly right direction. Tincture of time!

  4. It will be a shame if Imogen needs to be the only cat in a household, and as a black cat, has to wait as long as handsome Hector. I hope she finds life in your household not a difficult change over.

  5. It sounds like Imogen has come to see you as someone she can trust. But it may take a little longer for her to accept the other cats. Hopefully in time she'll learn to accept them too.

  6. OH I have my hopes up-- but my...she does have a standard. And one that many solitary cats have. Maybe she can be made to understand the other girl cat...and not get so bothered.

  7. She seems like a really sweet girl. She'll get there.

  8. We bet Imogen will get there, with your love and patience. XO

  9. I see positive steps all going in the right direction!

  10. I do hope Imogen's meetings with the oldsters goes better than wee Zofia.
