Saturday, February 18, 2023

Time to Explore

Imogen is slowly gaining more confidence in her explorations of the apartment. I keep Zofia confined somewhere when I release Imo from the library, simply because Zo is a bit too eager to come to know the newcomer, and that inhibits the latter’s will to move about. Their further acquaintance will come, but after Imogen is used to the two oldsters.

My new black cat wandered about the sitting room this time, where she had not gone before, climbing furniture, human and feline. She peered out the glass doors and sniffed around the kitchen. She jumped up on a counter twice but was not too put out when I lifted her down. (I am having her grow accustomed to being picked up.)

Her reactions to Neville were satisfactory. She was aware that the Nevsky was in a corner watching her, but did not let that stop her from roaming. She would periodically glance at him and hiss, followed sometimes with a short groaning growl. These were acknowledgements of his presence, rather than hostility; a warning that she knew he was there, and wished him to stay there, thank you.

She continues to regard me as protection, which I take positively, considering how short a time she has known me, and to think of the library as her safe-zone, though last night, she was reluctant to return there, as she seemed to be enjoying her peregrinations. But it was bed-time, and I was tired.

Slowly but surely is a phrase perhaps too-often used. But it suits this situation. Imogen will come around to the other cats and will one day be out, unsupervised, among them. That it will take a while yet doesn’t worry me. She and I have time.


  1. Slowly but surely may be the ingredient to keep the peace amongst the clowder when all are together at the same time. Good news you can pick Imogen up and not have her be scared.

  2. She would make such a great "only cat" for someone--especially since she sounds like a people-oriented girl. I'm so glad to hear she's becoming more comfortable so quickly.

  3. It is good that she sees you as her protector. I agree that going to an only cat home would probably be preferable as she was an only cat before. Cats are very good at adapting though.

  4. I'm glad to read this update. I also agree that an only cat home would be best for her, though she's doing remarkably well for such a short time with you.

  5. Lucky girl to have found a place with you, because I know you'll be as patient as she needs. Hopefully, she learns soon that the other cats mean no harm. I suspect an only cat home would be best in the long run, but if she can get accustomed to other cats, more the better.

  6. It is fun to watch new kitties find new places and things.

  7. Slow and steady oftentimes wins the ace. Well done, Imogen.

  8. Imogen seems to be adjusting well, and that's good news. I think I agree with your other readers - she probably would be happiest in an only cat home. But time will tell.

  9. Pleased to read and see that it's all
    coming together nicely...Bless!x

  10. OH this is going so well! You are experienced, calm, never hurried and you absolutely know what you're doing.

  11. Showing patience is key to good cat socialization, and Imogen is in the bestest spot in the world to help her find herself.

  12. One of these days Imogen might yet be the 'Boss'! A little confidence on her part will help in that manner...and she seems to not be lacking there, seeing how she told Neville to stay put, LOL!

  13. Sounds like everything has going well so far.
