Tuesday, September 26, 2023

A Little Lap-time

Like Brazil, Aurora continues to make progress with humans, though in her case, it is the usual kitten progress. One of the problems with being raised in the Cosy Apartment is that there are few opportunities for cats to meet other people. I had a fellow-member of the rescue group drop off some cat-food yesterday, and Auro was frightened of her. Even so, the kitten consented to be held by the stranger. Such shyness will, I think, be easily overcome in a new home. Kittens are highly adaptable and Aurora will form a close relationship with anyone who treats her with affection and gentleness.

My newest house-guest’s only fault is that she is very bitey. Even with her needle-like teeth, her actions do not hurt, and are likely the result of being removed from her mother before weaning was fully completed. I am working to discourage her from nipping, as it may be a disincentive for adoption, though I suspect not a decisive one.

And there is this to compensate: last night, Aurora spent time on my lap after dinner. This is the first time she has chosen to lie there. She seemed to like it, purring contentedly - until she saw something interesting out the window. But it was a pleasant ten minutes for us both.


  1. What a sweet little girl. May her path in life always be a happy one.

  2. Take the few minutes they grant us, right. She sounds like she is getting quite used to living in the house with one human and lots of cats.

  3. She's a busy girl! How gracious of her to give you a few minutes of lap time. :-)

  4. Oh, Aurora is so sweet. I bet her lap time will increase is short order.

  5. I LOVE lap time and any kitteh who give me such a joy is one to whom I give lots of lovins and smoochies. . Kitties who trust you enough to lie on your lap are so wonderful. Aurora, those needles you have can be a bit disconcerting.

  6. Aurora sounds so sweet and lap time sounds like a good time

  7. She's getting to learn about the comfort of a good lap!
