Monday, September 11, 2023

Play of Many Colours

Aurora knew how to play before she arrived at the Cosy Apartment, but being confronted with a long cloth ribbon of many colours confounded her momentarily. She didn’t know what to make of it at first. She then started grabbing at it. She fought it and wrestled it, and now she leaps into the air to grab it. I use it to play with her and Imogen simultaneously - though separated by several feet - to show the latter that the kitten just wants to enjoy herself, as Imo does.

I enjoy learning about little Auro, and have discovered that she likes chest-rubs: very gentle chest-rubs, as befits her size and fragility. She likes being held and carried; that’s when her purring reaches its greatest strength.

Though kittens may feel delicate to humans, they don’t think it of themselves. I watch as Aurora prepares to leap from the bed to the cat-tree by the window, gathering her power in her rear end, urging herself forward. I can almost hear her exhorting herself, “I can do it!” And indeed she can.

Brazil has started grooming her. I don’t think Auro knows what to do about it, but if she doesn’t respond positively yet, neither is she put off. I heard them both running about the apartment this morning as I was preparing to leave for work, but every time I looked, they had vanished from view. I don’t believe they were running together, but feeling energetic and active at the same time is another step closer to playing together.

And afterward, even kittens tire out and need a rest. An adult sized cat-bed will do just fine.


  1. I'm happy to hear that Brazil is taking steps to befriend her. And I can only echo what some of the other commenters have said: Aurora is such a pretty little darling, I'll be astonished if some lucky household doesn't adopt her very soon.

  2. Here's hoping that each cat learns from what the others are doing, and more friendships or tolerances are made.

  3. Imogen may see Aurora as likeable with you playing both at the same time. And brave Brazil, giving the kitten a bath.

  4. It is good that Brazil is grooming Aurora. The groomer is usually the more submissive which sounds right as Brazil is the more timid one.

  5. What a lovely thing to see and read. Progress and sweetness.

  6. Aurora is doing well! Brazil seems to be warming up to her nicely, I hope that will be reciprocated. I also hope that Imogen soon learns that Aurora just wants to have fun. ("Girls just wanna have fun....")

  7. This sounds so nice with Brazil bathing the kitten

  8. This is great news. It seems that Aurora, Brazil and Imogen have reached a truce and have started playing together and grooming each other. I'm sure they will become friends in record time.

  9. It seems things are going very well. It won't be long before there will be a cat train running through the apartment, stopping suddenly and turning back. I can almost hear the thundering paws from here. :)

  10. It must be nice to hear the sound of playing young kitties.

    1. It's very nice. I love to hear that thundering sound of cat-feet. It's funny how heavy even a kitten can sound when she's rocketing about the apartment.

  11. I never fail to smile really big when I hear that thunder! Even in the night. Nothing more fun and just plain wonderful to hear! I love when I am serenaded with that "music."
